Garden warfare

I’m at war.

I’ve been doing some gardening. My mental health team suggested it last year because, and I quote, “it’s a no stress hobby that will get you outside in the fresh air and it’ll be good for me”. They were right about the fresh air, that can’t be denied. And I was feeling better with no stress until-they came. I am of course referring to the biggest pest in anyone’s garden: snails and slugs!

Crime scene photo #6.

Seemingly overnight snails and slugs have ransacked my garden and are terrorising my flowers and strawberries. I attempted to garden last year, wanted to grow some strawberries as they’re my fav to eat and they’re also healthy. I follow this guide sheet on healthy eating as I’ve got IBS and certain foods, generally the unhealthy ones-set off digestive upset for me.

So I’m trying to do healthy eating to better manage and prevent these issues.

But even with the healthy fresh summer air the stress is mounting up! Despite my best efforts these slugs have launched a devastating attack. Strawberries are at risk, some have been eaten whole or mutilated in severe cowardly attacks. These cowardice slugs dare not strike during the day-they only come out at night when I’m asleep, too afraid to face me honourably during the day.

Don't let this cuteness fool you!

Lol! Ok it's not quite that bad but seriously is there any advice on how to best deal with these little slugs? I don’t want to get any poison pellets as I live on a mountain in a rural area and the birds might eat them, I also despite myself don’t like the idea of hurting the slugs. But I also do get extremely stressed when my strawberries are looking nearly ready for picking and then a day later they’ve been devoured. All my hard work wasted.

It’s annoying but I do like the challenge lol-although it’s embarrassing that I’m being outwitted by a slug! Any thoughts, ideas, suggestions on how to deal with these garden pests are more than welcome...

  • I smear Vaseline along the paths up to the plant, around the pot etc.  I will sometimes mix in some diatonacious earth with the Vaseline. _only remember that the mixture should not touch the actual plant,  just the pot and along the route the creatures take to get to the plant. reapply after heavy rain. 

  • Hello. Thanks for the suggestion-I haven't heard of that one before but it's gone on to my list and is a good plan D if my eggshells and coffee fail to protect the strawberries. 

  • the thing about Vaseline is that no crawly critters can cross it and it does not not need to be reapplied every time the plant is watered or it rains, which washes away the other remedies, which then need to be reapplied. It will not harm the plant if it does not come into direct contact with it. If the pant is in the ground I make a squat cylindrical around the base and smear that on the in and outer sides. If it's a pot smear around the pot. A 1" thick line of smear should do.

    I have left a plant thusly, for a whole season with no slugs or any other crawly things - including ants, who like to set up aphid farms under some leaves. They all get stuck in the Vaseline. 

    For me it is all about time and efficiency.

    This works on animal food and water dishes too.

  • the thing about Vaseline is that no crawly critters can cross it and it does not not need to be reapplied every time the plant is watered or it rains, which washes away the other remedies, which then need to be reapplied. It will not harm the plant if it does not come into direct contact with it. If the pant is in the ground I make a squat cylindrical around the base and smear that on the in and outer sides. If it's a pot smear around the pot. A 1" thick line of smear should do.

    I have left a plant thusly, for a whole season with no slugs or any other crawly things - including ants, who like to set up aphid farms under some leaves. They all get stuck in the Vaseline. 

    For me it is all about time and efficiency.

    This works on animal food and water dishes too.

  • Hello Uhane-thank you so much for the further explanation-wish I’d had some to use for last night as the bloodthirsty beasts were back and I’ve only got two left now. Sounds like it’s worked wonders for you, so really happy for you r.e. that-and super grateful for you sharing your tip with me. I don’t have any Vaseline unfortunately which means a trip in to town for me *sobs* but it’ll be worth it if it means it saves my final strawberries! Another member suggested putting jars over them which I’ll also be trying tonight-with the Vaseline as well it means 2x defense and hopefully my strawberries will survive the night. I do enjoy doing this bit of gardening, the mental health team were right-it’s a good hobby and generally zero stress-except the slugs.

    What I’d really like is to have a flowered garden blooming with gorgeous fruits and vegetables as well-my mum had this when I was a child and I remember it so well. It was beautiful and when you stopped out the back door you could smell the sweet scent of the flowers-this is what I want to achieve with our garden now. If I can save thestrawberries-it’ll be my first successful garden venture!Relaxed