Who's going to write "None of the above" on their ballot paper tomorrow?

Does anyone else have the conviction that whoever wins the election tomorrow, nothing will really improve for us here in England?

  • Oh yes the elections My thoughts people should vote no matter what we think it is a privilege a lot of places have to have democratic elections.

    I think the change I am afraid will be for the worse because you are going too get if the polls are correct a left wing parliament with little check and balance of views from the opposition.Also it looks like Labour will get around 70% of the seats when if you do the maths with turnout probably only 1 in 4 have voted for them.I would say this who ever got the advantage.

    First past the post must go and we get proportional representation then parties would have to work together and accept they will not get all their manifesto.

  • Oh yes the elections My thoughts people should vote no matter what we think it is a privilege a lot of places have to have democratic elections.

    I think the change I am afraid will be for the worse because you are going too get if the polls are correct a left wing parliament with little check and balance of views from the opposition.Also it looks like Labour will get around 70% of the seats when if you do the maths with turnout probably only 1 in 4 have voted for them.I would say this who ever got the advantage.

    First past the post must go and we get proportional representation then parties would have to work together and accept they will not get all their manifesto.

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