Can anyone answer these questions please

PLease treat me like I've just landed from another planet or time zone as I really don't understand and people seem to delight in confusing me more.

I'm thinking of getting a smart tv and know little about how they work, what they do and what would be suitale for me?

Are they wireless in connecting to broad band or would I have to have some sort of cable?

Would I have to have a box like my current humax box so as I could record stuff I don' want to watch imediately?

Would I have to have some sort of subscription, like sky or something to get any thing?

What is watching on catch up,  is it Iplayers and the like?

This would have to be fairly easy for my soon to be 90 year old, even worse at tech than me, Mum to use, at least for her to switch on and find stuff. Please remember that I am based in the UK, so stuff that works or is available in other countries might not work or be available to me. I dont' live in the south of the UK and services are more old fashioned here than there. We have no cable connections on the island. We have BT as our broad band provider, we are limited on who does provide here and they all seem fairly equal in service quality, in other words great when they work and crap when they don't. I'm reluctant to change providers as we'd still have to pay for a BT landline and I'm not paying twice.

Thanks in advance for any help you feel able to offer.

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