That feeling of not belonging/fitting in

I don't know whether it's because I'm not a pure autistic person, I also have severe mental illness, but I find it hard to fit in here. Others here seem to have no difficulty bonding with each other, and chatting like they've known each other for many years. That's a great social skill to have., but one I don't have. For want of a better phrase I'd say other posters  here are 'socially adept' in a way I'll never be. They lead far more high powered lives. 

They have/have had good careers . Have good academic qualifications. I never had a paid job, and only did a bit of voluntary work. My academic qualifications stopped at 6 O levels. I've never pursued further education due to bullying related trauma.  I have to have a lot of practical support because of poor adaptive functioning ability.

  • Hello, I hear you and I understand how challenging it can be to feel like you don't quite fit in. It's important to remember that everyone's journey is unique, and comparing yourself to others can sometimes lead to unnecessary feelings of inadequacy. Your experiences and strengths are valuable in their own right, regardless of what others may have achieved. It's okay to have different paths and to require different kinds of support. Your worth is not defined by societal norms or other people's accomplishments. Remember to be kind to yourself and focus on your own growth and well-being, at your own pace.

    I don't know whether it's because I'm not a pure autistic person, I also have severe mental illness, but I find it hard to fit in here. Others here seem to have no difficulty bonding with each other, and chatting like they've known each other for many years. That's a great social skill to have., but one I don't have. For want of a better phrase I'd say other posters  here are 'socially adept' in a way I'll never be.

    This is something I feel really deeply. I don't fit in anywhere to be honest. I try hard to fit in but it doesn't feel right, I don't seem to gel with people and I'm not one of the group.

    I think it's a really common thing for most with autism when trying to be accepted online and in person. I joined tonght to find acceptance, a place where I can be myself. 

    I also suffer mentally and in the past didn't really fit in with other autistic people but I'm hoping for good stuff here. 

    I'm hoping things will work out but already anxiety is saying it won't. 


  •  I hope this can be a place where you are able to feel that you belong.

  • Thank you! I really hope you will find the same in the end. 

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