my son won't stop jumping on everything. And he has already hurt himself many times already.  What should I do? 

He out of no where starts to cry but there isn't anything wrong, could he be overstimulated by something? 

I've tried so many times to get him to try different foods but he is super picky about it. He mostly eats bread, nuggets, oranges, fruit snacks and anything with sugar, and fries. 

My son knows how to go on the potty but doesn't know when to go. Any tips ?

It's hard to interact with him. He's super energetic n doesn't ever stay still. I feel like I'm not getting anywhere with him just sitting on the phone and jumping on the bed all day long all the time or running. 

  • Forgive me if it seems like I'm being judgemental, but as your son is only 3 years old, I can't help but think that allowing him to 'play' with the phone could be contributing to his overstimulation and abundance of energy.

  • Forgive me if it seems like I'm being judgemental, but as your son is only 3 years old, I can't help but think that allowing him to 'play' with the phone could be contributing to his overstimulation and abundance of energy.

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