my son won't stop jumping on everything. And he has already hurt himself many times already.  What should I do? 

He out of no where starts to cry but there isn't anything wrong, could he be overstimulated by something? 

I've tried so many times to get him to try different foods but he is super picky about it. He mostly eats bread, nuggets, oranges, fruit snacks and anything with sugar, and fries. 

My son knows how to go on the potty but doesn't know when to go. Any tips ?

It's hard to interact with him. He's super energetic n doesn't ever stay still. I feel like I'm not getting anywhere with him just sitting on the phone and jumping on the bed all day long all the time or running. 

  • Being a parent is incredibly hard so well done for trying!!!! You’ve picked out some behaviours but none seem to troublesome. With the food he’s not doing too badly. If you can look for Toren Wolf on instagram. He has problems with eating but takes a vitamin shake. Maybe you could use shakes too by adding fruit and then some vitamins as a supplement. Probably should ask a nutritionist what's best though. Try different fruits that you would not normally consider, like dates, dragonfruit or persimmon which I personally love. Kiwi, cherrys without the stones, wild blackberry picking in September, go to a strawberry farm and pick your own. Best to avoid actual sugar if possible as it makes people more hyper.

    Have you thought about a trampoline for the jumping? With a net so it’s safer. He may like the sensation so a rocking chair could help, you can often see them on eBay or a swing is great.

    If he doesn’t know when to go potty you could use a timer that he can hear and try to get him to sit to a schedule, as he grows older this will get easier.

    If you can’t identify a cause for the crying don’t worry about it, it may just be that he needs to release some tension and doesn’t know how to. 

    As for the difficulty interacting with him this may improve with time. Just be there for him and he will appreciate you in his own way. He knows you’re there for him even if he can’t express it. And finally remember to take care of yourself and do things that make you happy, you’re just as important as he is. 

  • Some NAS resources that may help:

    my son won't stop jumping on everything. And he has already hurt himself many times already.  What should I do? 

    His jumping may be stimming. More information and advice:

    He out of no where starts to cry but there isn't anything wrong, could he be overstimulated by something?

    I've tried so many times to get him to try different foods but he is super picky about it. He mostly eats bread, nuggets, oranges, fruit snacks and anything with sugar, and fries.

    My son knows how to go on the potty but doesn't know when to go. Any tips ?

  • Sugar was the Bane of my generation, too.

  • Forgive me if it seems like I'm being judgemental, but as your son is only 3 years old, I can't help but think that allowing him to 'play' with the phone could be contributing to his overstimulation and abundance of energy.

  • Taking the child to a park so he can burn off some energy would be a good thing if possible. 

    Seeing how much sugar he might be eating, might contribute to the level of energy he's showing, like a "sugar rush." Bread, nuggets, and fries are carbohydrates, which are basically startch/sugar as well, and the oranges and fruit snacks are obviously sugar. So yeah he's eating a lot of sugar as you've said, and getting that rush of energy.

    Maybe you can supplement some of his nutritional requirements with children's daily vitamin tablets or gummies. Try different recipes incorperating what he likes, plus a bit of something new, and reward him if he can take a bite or two of the new type of food. Adding more fibre might help slow down the sugar, but too much fiber can create constipation.