Education/training for 15 year old girl

Hi All,

We recently withdrew our daughter from secondary school due to unmet needs and the dire impact it was having on her mental health. 

She was diagnosed as ASD earlier this year after several years of anxiety and depression. We’ve recently enrolled her in an online school but she is struggling to participate, we think she is burnt out but also coupled with standard teenager don’t want to do it. I was wondering if anyone knows if at 15 you can be enrolled on alternatives to GCSEs such a more vocational training. She is very bright and excellent at art and textiles, which she has no problem engaging with currently, it’s just academic school work that has her literally falling asleep as soon as she tries to engage. 

We are struggling to get her into a routine, add to this I’ve also been diagnosed as autistic and adhd at 47, and my youngest aged 10 is as well, things are getting desperate. My wife is exhausted with us all.  

thanks for any suggestions. 


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