Jumping to conclusions about connections

Does anyone else jump to conclusions when they have a positive connection or interaction with someone? I find this happens to me all the time, if I have one good experience with someone I've just met, I'm immediately thinking how that will turn into a lifelong relationship! At least I don't tell them I think that...

A recent example was the other day, I was mentoring someone online about computer programming. I'm always nervous meeting new people, but this I can do because at least I know the subject matter. By the end I felt really happy because the mentee was ecstatic that she learned something new and that I was able to do some good. Naturally, this means I'm now thinking how we'll have endless conversations with each other, but of course the reality is we probably won't meet again.

I was thinking about this, perhaps it's because any kind of social interaction means far more to me than the other person, to them it's probably an everyday occurrence that they don't think about, but for me it's a really big deal so I cling to it as much as possible.

  • I tend to think about positive social interactions more than I should and sometimes let my imagination run away with me, it can be either good or bad, I can imagine us doing things together or just having good conversations and then I imagine the reverse, that they were pretending and their going off laughing about me and thinking I'm stupid and how they're going to pretend to be friends with me for amusement value.

  • I tend to think about positive social interactions more than I should and sometimes let my imagination run away with me, it can be either good or bad, I can imagine us doing things together or just having good conversations and then I imagine the reverse, that they were pretending and their going off laughing about me and thinking I'm stupid and how they're going to pretend to be friends with me for amusement value.
