Sleepy after coffee?

It’s noon now, I woke up in the morning and not doing many things had two cups of coffee. And I almost fell asleep with my head on the table. Such situation is nothing unusual for me. I can have coffee in the evening before sleep and sleep well after the coffee. I like coffee mostly because of its mildly bitter taste which together with milk is delicious for me. Is there anyone else experiencing such funny or weird effects of things that are supposed to work differently? Just curious, if anyone wants to share it will be interesting. 

  • I stopped drinking alcohol in March, since then I have been drinking a lot of coffee. I find it calms my mind, I often drink coffee before bedtime, I seem to actually sleep better. 

  • Do you feel better or being off the alcohol?

    I'm so close to binning booze, after a week I always feel better in myself, more stable and positive, less paranoid and I stop  catastrophising .

    Then for whatever reason I end up having a drink, social event or situation where I think I have to, usually more than maybe I should too and I'm back at the start of the cycle again.

  • Do you feel better or being off the alcohol?

    I'm so close to binning booze, after a week I always feel better in myself, more stable and positive, less paranoid and I stop  catastrophising .

    Then for whatever reason I end up having a drink, social event or situation where I think I have to, usually more than maybe I should too and I'm back at the start of the cycle again.

  • It's a common theme from what I've seen that we use alcohol as a coping mechanism. I find it gives the confidence boost to socialise and numbs the noise a bit inside my head so I find situations less stressful.

    I think it'd be good to have a break, I'm the same , I can't just have one, once I've had a couple it most often turns into "as many as I can cram in". Pretty much everything else you said has been the same for me too. I could probably easily pack in drink if it wasn't for the fear of socialising becoming harder again without it.

    Good luck, I hope it goes ok. 

  • Hi, I do feel better, because of a different condition linked to alcohol I had to take a course of medication for 6 weeks, I couldn’t drink alcohol with the medication. It just gave me that break I needed. 

    I kept promising myself every week that I would stop drinking, I can’t only have one drink, anxiety has gone down massively, I don’t get depressed so much either. It’s obviously early days, I don’t think about alcohol so much, my mind still races all the time but the coffee helps. The hardest part is with people trying to encourage me to drink, I can tell it’s treated as “is this part of you thinking you’re autistic thing?” I started using alcohol at school to help me cope with autism, social occasions have always been the hardest part of life, the alcohol shut the autism down enough so I seemed normal to others, or so I thought.