Ads and cookies

I have adblock and when I go on sites I'm still getting ads, often to the point where they obscure what I'm looking for. And I hate cookies, stupid things, why do I have to have them? Why do some sites make you jump through hoops not to have them following you around all the time? Why when I search for something do I get a load of stuff I never asked for and next to none of the stuff I did ask for?

Thanks for listening to this rant.

  • And I hate cookies, stupid things, why do I have to have them?

    I tend to use a feature of web browsers called Private Mode as this should stop the cookies. You can still use ad-blocker in this but I would recommend you get it to check for updates as there is a constant war between the ad companies and the ad-blocker companies that means you are always a bit out of date so the smarter sites can slip the ads in still.

    However - the cookies are useful for some things like remembering your login for a particular website (eg here) so you don't have to log in each time you visit it.

    What is the name of the web browser icon you click on? It will help us tell you how to go into private mode and see if it helps.

    My practice is to use private mode all the time and to clear the cookies regularly. I use a web browser called Firefox which is designed to avoid the privacy issues you get with Microsoft Edge and Google Chrome.

    If I'm going to do any searching which is even slightly suspicious (don't ask) then I use a virtual PC, a VPN and Firefox in private mode, deleting the virtual PC at the end. Not something the average user will have practice with. That is without using encrypted disks or the TOR network (Dark Web) - best not to do that as it attracts Mr Plods attention.

    In effect there are layers of steps you can take but each adds more complexity and work in order to surf ad-free.

  • I didn't know there was such a thing as private mode! I use firefox, no google chrome or microsoft edge. I didn't understand your penultimate paragraph, it went right over my head. No one else seems to have these problems, or maybe they just don't mind someone trying to sell them luxury holiday villas when the search for kittens! I mean WTF is that all about? How does an alogrhymn thingy make the leap that whilst wanting a kitten which is what I've searched for, that I want a luxury holiday villa, or a yacht? I willl get a blank page and have to go almost to the end of whats available onscreen to get one or two example of what I want? I dont' know if because I search so little, or my searches are a bit esoteric and particular that I get so much trouble. I also do a simple search and get about three of the item I asked for and 26m pages of stuff I didn't. All in all it just feeds my love hate relationshipp with the internet and computers in general and often exhausts me to the point where I start thinking about gving up and going off line completely, the only thing that makes me stay is the number of books on kindle I read.

  • I didn't know there was such a thing as private mode!

    In the top right of your web browser, click on the three lines and select New Private Window (all highlighted here):

    It won't block the ads on its own but will stop it remembering what you have been looking for and try to advertise to you based on this.

    Security on the internet has many layers from private browsing, anti-virus software, ad blockers to many other bits that you may not want the hassle of having to learn.

    Even searching is a bit of an art form - I tend to use a search page called instead of google as it doesn't use the same "we know whats best for you to see" algorythms that google uses.

    These little bits of info are worth knowing in my opinion - each being a link in the armour against unpleasant parties controlling what you can see and do on the internet.

  • I didn't know there was such a thing as private mode!

    In the top right of your web browser, click on the three lines and select New Private Window (all highlighted here):

    It won't block the ads on its own but will stop it remembering what you have been looking for and try to advertise to you based on this.

    Security on the internet has many layers from private browsing, anti-virus software, ad blockers to many other bits that you may not want the hassle of having to learn.

    Even searching is a bit of an art form - I tend to use a search page called instead of google as it doesn't use the same "we know whats best for you to see" algorythms that google uses.

    These little bits of info are worth knowing in my opinion - each being a link in the armour against unpleasant parties controlling what you can see and do on the internet.

  • I get sporty adverts because I buy my vitamin d online, I think, and I once searched for deep sea/coral reef diving pictures because I was curious what they looked like. I get ads for 'luxury goods' (diamonds, fancy watches, which I don't wear!) because I research perfume online to make a shortlist of things to try next time I am in a shop to try them. I get ads for architecture, engineering, construction and other things because I look at pictures of bridges online.

    I don't know what would make yachts come up, unless you have searched for something harbour or open water related?

    There's not as much money in medieval history and books as those other things, so the cost to advertise compared to cost to purchase doesn't give them a high enough return.

    This is all conjecture and ideas, rather than researched/evidence-based.

  • do you have too do this everytime you search or does it remember?

    I tend to use Private Mode for all my web browsing (even posting here) to avoid cookies in general.

    You have to chose either normal mode (the default) or Private mode (by using the 3 lines) when you start browsing the web. It will keep in this mode until you close the web browser and any new tabs you open to go to other sites will also be in Private mode once you start it up.

    If you are not sure what mode you are in, a quick glance at the top right shows the icon of a little mask:

  • Iain, Thanks, I've found it, do you have too do this everytime you search or does it remember?

    SS, Thanks, but my eyes tend to glaze over and my brain goes biggledy when I try and do stuff like that.

    Fiona, Seeing as I've never searched for yachts or villas abroad I dont' know which part of my search history it thought it was looking at? How could this be realted to a search about kittens? The same with offering me sports stuff, I never watch sport, I hate sport, I've certainly never asked for anything sporty, so why do I get all this junk? Why do I never get offered stuff about things I do search for, like medieval history, or books?