
Hi I'm new to the community though I've been diagnosed with autism since I was about 13. I struggle with my mental health though I'm hoping things are improving slowly but surely in that department... So I've been out in my garden trying to make it look nice and tidy, not many 16s who do that... I'm really boring lol... But I'm finding it frustrating because a lot of its not proper grass it's more like the ground you get in a forest - I live on old farming land so it's pretty crazy to keep it all under control. 

I want to get it looking nice though but I don't really get how to. I'm pretty stupid when it comes to stuff.

But I've got so many plans with this garden and one day I'm hoping I can buy the house for me and my parents... I do a lot of charity work and fundraising. Helps keep me busy. 

I want to grow flowers and some nice things to eat like strawberries. Not sure how to do any of it though!

It's something I'm passionate about though. I really want it to work out but half the time the girls are like your never going to be successful with this.

But I'm trying.

  • Hiya mate

    Good on you for gardening, nothing wrong with that.  Best thing for you, being outside, fresh air and exercise, grow your own food, organic, etc....  Keeps you grounded, good for autism...

    Never give up buddy.  Work the soil.  Read about it, see what it needs to improve it.  Maybe buy a small petrol cultivator when you can afford it.  Turn the soil over.  Keep working it.  Add some well rotted manure, make friends with the local horse yards!

    Plus...look into raised beds.  Amazing what you can grow just in a small square raised bed.  There is an excellent book on Amazon...

    Veg in One Bed New Edition: How to Grow an Abundance of Food in One Raised Bed, Month by Month
    Richards, Huw

    Yeah, so good for you, having plans, looking forward in life.  You can do whatever you set your mind to.

    Good luck

  • Hiya mate

    Good on you for gardening, nothing wrong with that.  Best thing for you, being outside, fresh air and exercise, grow your own food, organic, etc....  Keeps you grounded, good for autism...

    Never give up buddy.  Work the soil.  Read about it, see what it needs to improve it.  Maybe buy a small petrol cultivator when you can afford it.  Turn the soil over.  Keep working it.  Add some well rotted manure, make friends with the local horse yards!

    Plus...look into raised beds.  Amazing what you can grow just in a small square raised bed.  There is an excellent book on Amazon...

    Veg in One Bed New Edition: How to Grow an Abundance of Food in One Raised Bed, Month by Month
    Richards, Huw

    Yeah, so good for you, having plans, looking forward in life.  You can do whatever you set your mind to.

    Good luck

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