
Hi I'm new to the community though I've been diagnosed with autism since I was about 13. I struggle with my mental health though I'm hoping things are improving slowly but surely in that department... So I've been out in my garden trying to make it look nice and tidy, not many 16s who do that... I'm really boring lol... But I'm finding it frustrating because a lot of its not proper grass it's more like the ground you get in a forest - I live on old farming land so it's pretty crazy to keep it all under control. 

I want to get it looking nice though but I don't really get how to. I'm pretty stupid when it comes to stuff.

But I've got so many plans with this garden and one day I'm hoping I can buy the house for me and my parents... I do a lot of charity work and fundraising. Helps keep me busy. 

I want to grow flowers and some nice things to eat like strawberries. Not sure how to do any of it though!

It's something I'm passionate about though. I really want it to work out but half the time the girls are like your never going to be successful with this.

But I'm trying.

  • Strawberries are easy to grow, you can do them in a window box, just buy 3 or 4 and some potting compost, plant them, water them and put them in a sunny place and don't forget to water them and after about a month when the nutrients in the compost are used up, give them a liquid feed with something like liquid seaweed every week with their normal water and you should be fine.

    You could grow yourself some pizza herbs, get a large pot or tub, some horticultural grit, (it needs to be clean) and some compost, a thyme plant, a basil plant and an oregano or marjoram plant. Put some crocks, (bits of old broken pots crockery etc) in the bottom of the pot to stop the soil falling out and keep the drainaige holes open. Mix up the compost in a ratio of three scoops of compost to one scoop of grit, fill the pot to the level of the bottom of the pots the plants come in, remove the plants from the pots they come in and place them on the compost in your bigger pot, it dosen't matter if they're a bit squeezed, and fill in around the edges and middle of the pot press it down so as the new compost isn't loose as you dont' want air pockets, put another scoop of gravel around the plants and give them a good water, put in a sunny place and water every few days. Putting a layer of gravel on top of the compost, around the plants will help keep them clean from being splashed with soil when raining or watering and help deter slugs as well as looking nice.

  • Strawberries are easy to grow, you can do them in a window box, just buy 3 or 4 and some potting compost, plant them, water them and put them in a sunny place and don't forget to water them and after about a month when the nutrients in the compost are used up, give them a liquid feed with something like liquid seaweed every week with their normal water and you should be fine.

    You could grow yourself some pizza herbs, get a large pot or tub, some horticultural grit, (it needs to be clean) and some compost, a thyme plant, a basil plant and an oregano or marjoram plant. Put some crocks, (bits of old broken pots crockery etc) in the bottom of the pot to stop the soil falling out and keep the drainaige holes open. Mix up the compost in a ratio of three scoops of compost to one scoop of grit, fill the pot to the level of the bottom of the pots the plants come in, remove the plants from the pots they come in and place them on the compost in your bigger pot, it dosen't matter if they're a bit squeezed, and fill in around the edges and middle of the pot press it down so as the new compost isn't loose as you dont' want air pockets, put another scoop of gravel around the plants and give them a good water, put in a sunny place and water every few days. Putting a layer of gravel on top of the compost, around the plants will help keep them clean from being splashed with soil when raining or watering and help deter slugs as well as looking nice.

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