Public transport

What do people here think about public transport?

Public transport means potentially dealing with unfamiliar people, and this can be challenging (and quite funny). I've just posted a very short video on my Autistic Not Alien YouTube channel about a weird train trip I had.  

(Hoping that the moderators don't class this as spam, as I've just seen that someone has posted a link to a Neurocuriosity YouTube video on another thread.)

  • Easier said than done , but I always use Ubers it helps me so much as i'm only having to deal with one person rather than lots of them also I find it so much more comfy and convinient when needing to get somewhere that would normally take me ages to plan out and put things into consideration which drains me so much.

  • I had to take the train for a work trip. I'm very grateful not to have a regular commute. Work is exhausting enough, especially as a late-diagnosed autist. 

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