Vivid dreams

Hi all I thought, maybe in this thread we could share some of our dreams that we find beautiful or interesting. I’m not sure, maybe such thread has been already written, if it goes against rules, then moderators please move it. 
i have quite many dreams with aliens, beings of different species they all look different in every dream. I feel like as if they are contacting me this way although these are just dreams. But who knows… tonight aliens announced to me, that they are taking me to another planet and asked me to say goodbye to my family. I did it and I had one house, that I inherited from one relative (only in this dream) the house was big old and neglected and there was one homeless family living. When I showed up they bagged me to let them live there. I told them this house is already theirs and left them there. Then I was taken to the vehicle and taken away from this world. Amazing thing was that I didn’t feel any increasing gravity force or inertial force inside, it was perfectly still. But yet I was informed that we already departed.

  • Interesting interpretation. I don’t have driver license but I often dream that I’m a driver 

  • My dreams are mostly negative and I think driven from my fears, insecurities, worries 

    Usually things like losing my job, having to move to another area away from where we're happy, those type of things. usually loss of some sort.

    They're the reasons I usually wake up feeling down and anxious and struggle to get moving in a morning, some of them are so vivid it takes a while to convince myself they're not real.

  • ah i had a vehicle crash dream once, but i ride motorbike. so i dreampt of over shooting a corner being unable to pull it back to my lane then seeing im heading right on to a collision course with the curve and the tree line beyond it and just accepting it and thinking going limp would limit the damage. not sure of the outcome of that dream though, i either forgot it or woke up then. or it cut out and went to regular sleep.

  • I think all my dreams are weird, I have one recurrent one where the brakes on my car fail, but I'm not scared, I think it might be because I normally change down through the gears when coming off dual carriageways rather than just using the brake. I think that it's an anxiety dream, where I feel things in my life are getting beyond my control.

  • I never documented this dream down I had at 17 after I started attending a Christian church. This dream I had blew my mind apart. I dreamt that something dreadful swept over a country. It was like something just razored the ground and people were being separated from loved ones. It was so vivid that I couldn't write it down at that time, but i did note other dreams in my notebook I had from 16. I also had another dream which I did note down at 17 in my notebook. I entered a sweetie shop of all things and there was a red carpet in it which it never had before.  I found it hard to understand at that time. I am 51 now. I have posted a testimony thread in this section on my faith, but I never scanned the second dream which I wrote down in my book to share in my testimony at least I haven't yet. I will think it over, I am pretty certain I was told I may have some dreams as well. I did put my dream down in a youtube video which is not public, I might make it public.

  • i have too many to mention lol

    my dreams these days are pleasant, ages ago when i was young they used to be bad. now i dunno it feels like my dreams are a place that have been built inside me, like my own personal realm i created. perhaps thats what dreams are, perhaps we are gods creating our own worlds, when we die we inhabit the world we created inside ourselves.

    i dream of scenic places. the transition between places is often odd, as in my really vivid dreams i can remember alot. i was in my room on one of them, looking at the floor which had a weird stain on it, the stain grew more noticable and weird, i put my finger in it and it changed, then it turned into a eye looking at me, then for some reason i decided to go into it, because thats totally normal just go into the weird eye on the floor. then into the eye i was surrounded by fog. i walked on and the fog cleared and this really felt real and the fog clearing and so on was really good effect and realistic and the reveal that im standing on some grassy area with mountains around and steep declines or cliffs down, with river below me.

    although maybe its because i never go on holidays at all, my mind probably wants me to go away and see nice scenic places rather than be stuck in the same dull boring place im always at.