
My Son is seven going on eight, is becoming more independent, dressing himself, he can struggle but he won’t let anyone help him unless he asks.  This morning he wanted to put his own seatbelt on but he has some problems with fine motor skills so I took over and he had a tantrum.  How do I help him? 

  • Hi my son does this all the time. I have a destbelt extender so he can reach it more easily and a clip that hold the top of the belt so it can't retract. It doesn't always help as he doesn't like things 'touched' and it's one of those days, but worth a try.

  • Hi my son does this all the time. I have a destbelt extender so he can reach it more easily and a clip that hold the top of the belt so it can't retract. It doesn't always help as he doesn't like things 'touched' and it's one of those days, but worth a try.

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