Too neurotypical to be autistic but too autistic to be neurotypical

Lately I've felt like I don't fit. Like I don't struggle enough to be considered autistic. I do struggle, of course. I probably struggle more than neurotypicals do. And I know that being autistic isn't only about struggling. But sometimes it feels like I am faking it. Like it's just another mask that I put on. These sentences are so hard to write. It's like trying to catch a specific snowflake in the blizzard that is my brain. So I'll just stop here. Have you ever felt this way?

  • This week very autistic, next week not so much. I’m not diagnosed, so I have only my intuition, scores from self tests and feedback from my family to go on, but I can really relate. It feels at times like there ought to be a different classification for people like us who seem to veer in and out of the condition. I just don’t know. Maybe my mask slips and a see what’s beneath then put it back on. 

  • This week very autistic, next week not so much. I’m not diagnosed, so I have only my intuition, scores from self tests and feedback from my family to go on, but I can really relate. It feels at times like there ought to be a different classification for people like us who seem to veer in and out of the condition. I just don’t know. Maybe my mask slips and a see what’s beneath then put it back on. 

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