Sparkly's Clever Idea

It's been a while since I last visited the forums and contributed anything, mainly because I've been busy with other stuff. However, I wanted to share an idea I had. I've been working on a DIY/craft project that involves using superglue. All was going well until I went to squeeze my large tube of superglue (to push it further up the tube), which then resulted in the bottom corner of the tube developing a crack, causing superglue to ooze out.

The last thing I wanted was to throw my damaged tube of superglue away and buy another tube, especially as there was still a lot of glue (more than half) inside the tube. As a temporary fix, I wrapped some clear packaging tape around the tube. However, each time I needed to squeeze the superglue towards the top of the tube, it would ooze out from under the packaging tape. After the tube developed a few more cracks, that's when I had what I thought was a rather clever idea indeed.

I knew I'd got some self-fusing silicone tape left over from when I'd had to deal with a leaking pipe. It occurred to me that if I was to use the silicone tape on my tube of superglue, it might enable me to carry on using it without glue oozing everywhere.

My intention had been to wrap the whole of my superglue tube with the silicone tape, but unfortunately I didn't have quite enough silicone tape left to be able to do that. Somewhat frustrating as there's a crack just above where the tape finishes. However, the good news is that no glue is oozing out of the tube where the tape has been applied. Therefore, my idea does appear to have worked. Grin

  • Nice save there.

    Another option if if you have any silicon kicking about (the sort for plumbing installations that comes in a long rigid tube and is applied with a gun type tool.

    Put a blob of this over the leak on the tube, covering a cm or two one either side of the hole / crack and leave to dry overnight then wrap in tape - belt and braces as the silicon will stop is squidging by and the tape stops the silicon from lifting.

  • Thanks for the tip Iain. However, I don't seem to have a good track record with the tubes of silicone you speak of.

    It always seems to be the case that the contents dry out long before I've had an opportunity to make full use of them. Therefore, purchasing them is (for me) akin to pouring money down the drain.

  • Thanks for the tip Iain. However, I don't seem to have a good track record with the tubes of silicone you speak of.

    It always seems to be the case that the contents dry out long before I've had an opportunity to make full use of them. Therefore, purchasing them is (for me) akin to pouring money down the drain.

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