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What is this "White Supremacy" I keep hearing about?

This term gets bandied about quite a lot these days, and it seems to mean different things to different people.

So what is it?

Is it real, or just a psychological tool being used to marginalise and confuse white people in their own country as some alledge?

I'm white, and I can tell you people quite sincerely I don't feel "supreme" in any way. 

I will admit I did fake it once, when I got stranded in Dharan International Airport, and the only viable solution to my serious problem not of my making, was to make it someone else's problem... 

Seriously, All I needed to do was strike a folded arms pose in the empty concourse, wear a stern expression and tap my foot pointedly for about ten minutes and a guy ran up to help me!

I tried to act like a traveller in a 1950's film and it worked like gangbusters.

I didn't actually SAY "now look here, my man" but I did rather complain, and ask for a representatvie of British Airways to be summoned, on the basis that it was B.A. who had stranded me at midnight, in Dharan, at the start of one their bigger religious bank holidays whilst I am supposed to have been delivered to Rhyad!

The B.A. representative (who'd clearly been woken up!) got me a connecting fllght and a trip to a hotel for a wash and a nap before being returned to find that my connecting flight was cancelled.... Literally a melee broke out amongst my fellow travellers and in amongst the shouting I heard someone say the magic word "Taxi"... 

Still playing the part of a 1950's english traveller I grabbed the nearest two shouting people and said "You need to go to Rhyad, I need to go to Rhyad, CAN WE GET A TAXI??" 

Long story short, 450 kilcks to Rhyad in a monstrously large cheverolet after haggling (The others were going pay the asked rate, I lived in Brimingham at the time amongst middle eastern people, so I haggled, didn't know any better) cost me 40$ U.S....

I blame all those 1950's films. I really do. T.V. and FIlm is literally "programming". Good thing the people at the airprort must have watched some of the same films I did...  

I was so out of my depth. Outside Rhyad international airprot where my taxi had dropped me, (as I did not actually HAVE a final destination, the company was supposed to have picked me up at the airport some 8 hours previously, and none of the mobile numbers given were working fro me, so once I was in place at the airprort I had to get my O/H back in the U.K. to let em know I needed picking up). A sheikh looking dude was beating a smaller man with the obviously heavy and substantial black headband of his headgear...

In Dharan I'd got used to people stopping and literally falling to the fall and praying on the hour every hour.

And I'd learned that people will do a LOT for a few dollars U$ (me included).just like over here..

When chaos erupted around me as the flights were cancelled, and people were shouting at each other, my instinct was to organise a co-operative solution of like minded people with the same objective in order to achieve my own goal.

Is that "white supremacy"?

I don't know, I was too busy trying to get to my destination and adapt to the unfamiliar environment in whch I found myself, and solve the real problems I encountered, to be worried about the colour of my co-travellers. 

Seriously, what is this white supremacy they keep talking about? Is it a nickname for cocaine perhaps?

And where can I get some? ;c)

  • I feel like this is possibly a new low for this place. 

  • Since you want to down-vote(not that I care personally) perhaps do what civilized people did before the internet and make your case and I'll make mine.

    41yo white American male with 40+ suicide attempts(I guess I'm bad at what I do aside from being a horticulturalist, meteorologist and stock broker) dead twice over and multiple attempts because you know, white privilege!

    I'd LOVE to hear your explanation as to why I am the perp and everyone not of my color is the victim in a country you don't even live in!!!

  • in a country you don't even live in!!

    This is a UK based charity...

  • But yet not all germans are n*zis, and not all white people are white supremacists.

    And JK Rowling is a woman. If you're against sexism and misogyny, why not support a woman who's being discriminated against? 

  • jk rowling hasnt done anything bad, and she was one of your own cancel culture advocates anyway before you turned on her, and if your saying the harmless vague words she said was somehow equivalent to going to another country and massacring everyone there and doing atrocities then you need to get more life experience and come off the internet

  • jk rowling hasnt done anything bad, and she was one of your own cancel culture advocates anyway before you turned on her, and if your saying the harmless vague words she said was somehow equivalent to going to another country and massacring everyone there and doing atrocities then you need to get more life experience and come off the internet

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