Interest in WW2 and history

Is anyone else interested in it? I always have been :) 

  • If i focus on wars at all it's the sea faring Danes and their pirating exploits. I was SO one of them in another life! I like pirates and their lore as per Daniel Defoe's book about Pirates. And the novels re. same.

  • That's interesting. I've always found pirate history fascinating myself, I like ships and anything to do with maritime history, war and ordinary history. I always found the HMHS Britannic's story fascinating. It was the sister ship of the RMS Titanic and also sank.

    Who was your favourite pirate that you found the most interesting?

    Have you heard The Pirate History Podcast? It's awesome. If you haven't heard it I suggest it strongly I think you'd like it, if you have the time to listen at some point.

    Slight smile

  • thanks. I can't sit still for a pod cast, unfortunately. I like the template of a book or essay style writing.

    Fav pirate? I can't think of one now but the one that stands out  at the moment is the pirate Avery (one of my actual antecedents) who was true to his men. They got marooned on Madagascar and had a hard time of it (no spoilers for you!).

    As for the Danes who went viking (as a verb), I Igor the Boneless - just for the name. That's today, on the fly off the top of my head... oh, and their Icelandic, Greenland and north American journeys and genetic contributions.

    My head and hands are full of folding paper into polyhedrons at the moment and the pirates will have to get in line!

  • I will mos def look these shows up. Black Sails sounds familiar..Just looked at the IMDB for it. I did see it but 8 years ago so it's worth a review. will do, and the book you mentioned!

    I recently enjoyed "Our Flag Means Death" but it got, sadly, canceled. I didnt expect it ot reflect reality too much but I do enjoy the genre.

    I also love ships and go to the harbor to listen to the ropes groan against their moorings, the prow's bump against old tires, and the salty breeze, the percussive 'blang' of the ropes beating against the poles.. I would love to live on a boat for a bit.  

  • I read a good book recently called The Pirates Code, by, Rebecca Simon, its about both individual pirates and life on a pirate ship and the rules by which they lived.

    Anyone ever watched Black Sails?

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  • I will mos def look these shows up. Black Sails sounds familiar..Just looked at the IMDB for it. I did see it but 8 years ago so it's worth a review. will do, and the book you mentioned!

    I recently enjoyed "Our Flag Means Death" but it got, sadly, canceled. I didnt expect it ot reflect reality too much but I do enjoy the genre.

    I also love ships and go to the harbor to listen to the ropes groan against their moorings, the prow's bump against old tires, and the salty breeze, the percussive 'blang' of the ropes beating against the poles.. I would love to live on a boat for a bit.