Argh, clothes shopping

Looking through my wardrobe the other day, I realised most of my warmer weather clothes are falling apart and worn out. So I need to start the dreaded process of getting new ones, I hate clothes shopping, it's such a depressing experience, I rarely find anything that fits, what is it with sizing these days and who really has arms like broomsticks? I rarely find anything long enough in the body with many tops ending just below my boobs and leaving me not only feeling a bit chilly, but like a walking offence against public decency. I hate the nasty fabrics, and they all seem so poorly made. I've looked offline, online in charity shops even at ethical clothing stores because they usually have nicer fabrics, but I'm too big to be ecological, too tall and big generally, it seems you have to be child size to be either ethical or ecological. Vile, eye popping migraine inducing colours and patterns seem popular too.

I can't use a sewing machine either because they hate me and a good choice of fabrics is getting harder to find too, help! Please tell me I'm not the only one who wonder if she'll be stuck indoors because of not having any clothes to wear.

  • this is why posh people tailor make their clothes. so it is made to fit them.
    standard generic clothes in shop is cheap and rushed, it never fits as its not made to fit anyone but to be a average guess.

    they get it so wrong at times... i have trousers which seemingly the leg size was made for a person with 8 foot long legs despite it being like 30 inch waist the legs are like so long they arnt made for a human. i roll them up but they ripped a bit and i cut the bottom off a large amount and they are still too long lol

    then i remember seeing shirts in asda a long time ago.... they were so wide you could put them over a car, it was more like a huge tent... size medium too that lol 

    people whine about chinese sizes being too small but i actually think chinese sizes are more normal and reasonable unlike our weird sizes that lack consistancy where a medium can be like normal some times but then outrageously big other times that you can make your car wear it.

  • this is why posh people tailor make their clothes. so it is made to fit them.
    standard generic clothes in shop is cheap and rushed, it never fits as its not made to fit anyone but to be a average guess.

    they get it so wrong at times... i have trousers which seemingly the leg size was made for a person with 8 foot long legs despite it being like 30 inch waist the legs are like so long they arnt made for a human. i roll them up but they ripped a bit and i cut the bottom off a large amount and they are still too long lol

    then i remember seeing shirts in asda a long time ago.... they were so wide you could put them over a car, it was more like a huge tent... size medium too that lol 

    people whine about chinese sizes being too small but i actually think chinese sizes are more normal and reasonable unlike our weird sizes that lack consistancy where a medium can be like normal some times but then outrageously big other times that you can make your car wear it.

  • Fast fashion is a fairly recent thing, I think only since the 70's or 80's? Before that clothes were made to last and were comparatively more expensive, but much better quality. People also made more of their own clothes, I remember even in the 90's that womens magazines would have dressmaking and knitting patterns in them, you could also buy wool, fabric and haberdashery more easily too. My gr gr aunt was a seemstress, back then almost everybody wen to someone like her for thier clothes if they had new ones, rather than hand-me-downs.