What projects are you doing?

Do you have any projects on the go? 

I've been writing a creative fiction story for the last 5 years... Not really any progress on that. I write a bit and then stop again and don't return to it for ages.

I watched the classic Italian Job movie for the first time a few years ago and fell in love with those old Minis. The same thing happened when I watched Mr Bean.... So one thing led to another and in February this year I finally found the right one and bought myself a classic Mini. Lol. It's a really cute little car. Pinkish purple paint with adorable picnic patterns on the seats. I'm not a mechanical techno girl but I am trying with this little car lol.

So far I've driven it twice, washed it and changed the filter. Great start! 

My other project which I'm having a bit more success at is my garden. My garden is pretty big and this year I've made up some stone borders, started growing some cute little flowers and I've managed to put in a breakfast patio which I haven't been able to use yet because the weather is terrible lol!

The garden itself though is looking good, better than it did last year anyway, progress in the right direction.

Last year I was so depressed and found myself suicidal stood at a train station - I'm not proud of that btw but I was just so low I wasn't thinking straight - so anyway fast forward and this year I'm feeling better now on antidepressants and my MH team have said about starting some projects to keep myself busy so I've got my Mini and my garden.

I'd be interested to hear your own if you're happy to share. Might inspire me to do something new! Blush 

  • Glad you’re feeling better now. I love Minis the pinky purple paint sounds amazing. Unfortunately I don’t have the space for a second car especially one to keep running as a project, if I did get a Mini at the moment it would have to be a fairly modern Countryman so I can fit everyone and everything in! I inherited a house around Christmas so I’ve been doing lots of decorating. I also have a quite large garden so starting to get that sorted now. Need to build my daughter’s playhouse and also should be rehoming a large tortoise which will need some sort of summer habitat built. Normally my projects would involve crocheting but no time for that at the moment!

  • Thank you. I love Minis as well! My mum has a countryman they're really good for storage. Wow you inherited a house?? That's amazing and sounds like a wonderful project to be taking up your time. Will you live in the house when you're done sorting it? Enjoy your big garden. They're hard work being bigger but I really love my garden I like to sit out in it and relax in the sun when the suns come out.

  • Yes we will live in it as the market isn’t great around here. Definitely worth doing the work to it. It is a pain to mow the big lawn but much nicer than the 4m x 4m paved garden at our last house, that was also south facing and got so unbearably hot. It’s fun to decorate as we’ve always rented and been stuck with white walls, I’m really letting loose. My living room is decorated with the Dunelm X National History Museum dinosaur fossil range 

  • Yes we will live in it as the market isn’t great around here. Definitely worth doing the work to it. It is a pain to mow the big lawn but much nicer than the 4m x 4m paved garden at our last house, that was also south facing and got so unbearably hot. It’s fun to decorate as we’ve always rented and been stuck with white walls, I’m really letting loose. My living room is decorated with the Dunelm X National History Museum dinosaur fossil range 

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