Cats any cat lovers out there?

I love cats, I like all animals really, but if I could only have one sort of animal in my life it would be cats. I love it when they're both cuddled up to me and I'm enveloped in "The Purr", I currently have two Boris who's 8 and goes off by himself for weeks at a time and Muriel who's 9 months old and still had a kitten wail, whenever she wants something, food mostly, she opens her mouth really wide and goes WAAAHHHHH.

  • This is Pogo :) 

    He was a rescue cat I adopted after he'd been mistreated. It took a long time to earn his trust but I was patient and it was worth the wait.

    He's not just my cat he's also my best friend. When I sing he sits and listens, purring as I sing, hopefully saying he's enjoying it.

    He likes to sit in the garden and lay in the flowers. When it rains he's not like a cat at all he goes outside to play. At night he'll sit on my lap and nap and in the morning he'll jump up on me and wake me up.

    He is why I love cats Heart

  • Amerantin's cat looks like Boris, very smart with black suit and white shirt collar and kittens mittens. Styles cat looks like Muriel, except Muriel dosen't have the black patch on her chest. They're both absolute catnip addicts. Boris like the rain and will sit out in it for hours, then come in and blot himself on me. Boris is a great hunter, taught by our old Tigggy One Eye, he will sit over a mouse hole for ages in what looks like a meditive state, then he loudly announces his kill and will exchange it for some treats. He taught our dog Fearn to hunt, that was an odd thing to watch, I think he just decided to see how much she could learn out of curiosity. Boris looks after me if I'm unwell and Muriel seems to be becoming a healing cat, she massages any sore places, going into a frenzy of purring and marching, its good to be having regular catupuncture again, lol.

  • Amerantin's cat looks like Boris, very smart with black suit and white shirt collar and kittens mittens. Styles cat looks like Muriel, except Muriel dosen't have the black patch on her chest. They're both absolute catnip addicts. Boris like the rain and will sit out in it for hours, then come in and blot himself on me. Boris is a great hunter, taught by our old Tigggy One Eye, he will sit over a mouse hole for ages in what looks like a meditive state, then he loudly announces his kill and will exchange it for some treats. He taught our dog Fearn to hunt, that was an odd thing to watch, I think he just decided to see how much she could learn out of curiosity. Boris looks after me if I'm unwell and Muriel seems to be becoming a healing cat, she massages any sore places, going into a frenzy of purring and marching, its good to be having regular catupuncture again, lol.

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