Magical thinking

I'm told I have magical thinking, I think this is because for me pretty much everything is alive and has some kind of agency, hense my sewing machine hating me or computers hating me. As I've always been aware of the awareness of the awarenesses we share our world with, it's perfectly normal to me and weird that others don't know this.

One of the things I don't get is why magical thinking is a problem?

Why is it even called magical thinking?

Who does it harm?

I'm told that my perceptions aren't real, and I ask why? Why are your perceptions so limited that you don't know this, isn't this a problem for you and not me?

Am I the only one for whom the world is alive and that we move through a world filled with other conciousnesses, often very different from our own?

  • ah this is also a thing in japan too.

    their culture they believe each item is alive and has a spirit. 

    but in the west i think we call that (censored)affective disorder..... yes i censored the first part of that -**affective disorder as every time i write the first part i get attacked by the auto moderation bot lol

  • ah this is also a thing in japan too.

    their culture they believe each item is alive and has a spirit. 

    but in the west i think we call that (censored)affective disorder..... yes i censored the first part of that -**affective disorder as every time i write the first part i get attacked by the auto moderation bot lol

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