Everyone’s good at something! What are you good at?

Being autistic when I do things I take a huge interest in the things I do and I've noticed that these things I usually become good at which is awesome. I'm a fast learner, is that to do with autism? Or maybe it's one of my quirks. Anywho....Some of the things I'm good at is



*parenting - I hope lol

*poker - I'm not an addict promise 

*reciting the alphabet backwards.


*voice acting

Everything else I'm not really that good at. 

Parents Reply Children
  • 107 words in a minute is amazing. I would probably struggle to speak 107 words in a whole nights social situation. 
    Great stuff

  • I’m good at being empathetic. I have a list of people who I check in with all the time, some friends, some family and some customers I have worked for in the past. If they have suffered grief and been in a dark place I have to let them know they are still in my thoughts. I think people appreciate that and it’s a very rare occurrence these days, I just can’t help it and some people might think it’s a bit strange but for some reason I genuinely feel their pain. On the flip side I feel their happiness when they realise they haven’t been forgotten. 
    Im also good with my hands in a practical sense and I’m good at spotting detail in most ways.