Early morning walk

First thing this morning I went for a walk. The sky was at that amazing point where it's half dark and half light, the darkness clinging on but being overpowered by that fiery red that paints across the sky. I often go out for walks at this time because the rest of the world is still in bed asleep and it's so peaceful to be out on my own, walking through the fields and breathing in that fresh air. When I'm out walking at this time I'm happy in myself because I don't need to be anxious, I don't have to mask, I can be myself and it's an amazing feeling.

I feel like the only person in the world when I go out walking early.

My mental health team suggested I go for walks, which I have been doing but it was normally later in the day but it's busier then and i get creeped out by the other people. 

So I decided to go earlier today.

This morning I got to witness the beautiful colours of the sky as the sun rose. I saw some rabbits in the grass and I walked about five-ish miles, and I had my headphones in and was listening to some music as I walked.

It's little things like this that really makes me glad I'm alive. Going for this walk cost me nothing and it's left me feeling really happy and positive this morning.

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