My experiences of my Christian faith

I have written about  my faith and I have Autism.

You can read it here.on my blog my experiences.

  • Thanks, Rachel.

    I first became interested in faith at GCSE Level, thanks to my RE Teacher. At first, we thought she was mad (saying how TV was Satanic and that Sex was only for a Married Couple) but, on reflection, she was vindicated.

    However, I had my struggles with lust for as long as I can remember; from 14, onwards. I was 'influenced' to be a 'New Lad' based on the music I listened to; and following football. But, now, I can see that men are supposed to take responsibility and become head of the house.

    My room is a tip, and my cleaner shall come tomorrow morning. I'll probably make it up to her by hoowevering the cat litter I spilled on Friday night. I never made the time to clean it up.

  • Thank you Desmond 79

    I wanted to study Religious Studies A level but it wasn't offered. It was one of my stronger subjects at GCSE. I wanted to be a religious studies teacher at one point. My college course was diverse the religions that were covered, but I had my faith. I think sometimes lust can be taken a bit litreally when you hear of it. Hope things are going well.

  • Thank you Desmond 79

    I wanted to study Religious Studies A level but it wasn't offered. It was one of my stronger subjects at GCSE. I wanted to be a religious studies teacher at one point. My college course was diverse the religions that were covered, but I had my faith. I think sometimes lust can be taken a bit litreally when you hear of it. Hope things are going well.
