Generator didn't work

The Generator setup didn't work, today, during the essential maintenance.

After contacting the electrician who set her up, for me, who's away on a job, I followed his advice. Still no joy.

Then, I checked the trips. It's the trip for the solar panels which was affected. He said that the generator doesn't like solar panels. However, the electricity will be back on in a few hours time. It's not worth any more effort. Note for next time.

  • You have picked my specialist subject. 
    the problem will be that you cannot run the generator with solar panel in parallel. It causes something  called reverse power. The solar can turn the generator into an electric motor.
    You will need to get your electrician to disconnect the solar when it running by installing a contactor that isolates the Solar when the generator is running. 

  • You have picked my specialist subject. 
    the problem will be that you cannot run the generator with solar panel in parallel. It causes something  called reverse power. The solar can turn the generator into an electric motor.
    You will need to get your electrician to disconnect the solar when it running by installing a contactor that isolates the Solar when the generator is running. 

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