Good week

Ive been sick for over 2 weeks and still am (is getting sick often common in autism? I get sick a lot in the year). And last wensday, thursday, and friday I was very sick so I didnt go to school. Then the weekend. Then monday (yesterday) was a US national holiday, then today school was cancelled for the roads being icy. 

Thats 7 days - 1 week - that I missed school. I had 16 missing assignments I had to cram in 3 days (the weekend and monday is when I worked on them).

I had issues with my dad, which is common, but then I stood up to him (almost blacked out from fear), and now this is the 3rd day that I havent had to go to his house. 

I had some emotion struggles a few times.

But now that I sit here, I realise that this was probably the most stress-free week of my life. Like it was amazing. It probably shouldnt have been from the stuff I said, but man I feel good.

Every single day this week, I could be at home. I had no obligation to going to my dads house unexpectedly. I didnt have to be worn out from a day at school. I could do my home work at my own pace, and basically do what I pleased. I didnt just sit on the couch watching tv either. In fact I hadnt even used the tv till today. I was actually quite productive. I even did laundry and showered.

I had finished 16 assignments in 3 days, but had HOURS of time to myself. I was able to read books, research my special interests, just lay on the floor and imagine to my hearts content, nobody was around to bother me, the house was quiet... 

But now im thinking about how tomarrow I have to go back to school. Its going to go back to overwhelm all day, and kids being rude and unpredictable. 

I wish I didnt have to do school. Not like how school is at least. I want it to be like how it was this week. I would still have assignments and id still learn, but I could do it the way that works for me. I dont think normal school works for me mentally. 

Wouldnt it be lovely if schools gave you the option for 'in person' school or 'at home' school. Im not talking about home-schooling or virtual school. Wait actually, what if school was where you go in and could be in smaller classes (like 8 kids), then the teacher would teach everyone and it could be more individualized. Then maybe like school could be less hours or maybe only be on monday or something, and then you would be given assignments to do at your own time the rest of the week that would be due friday. But all the other days, you would have the option to scheduale an online meet with a teacher if you were having trouble. Then friday you would go back and then the class would go over the assignments and reveiw and make sure everybody understood. Grades would be based on effort, not accuracy. And maybe you could even take classes that are more into your interests, instead of being forced to take a class that is really confusing and stressful to your brain. And maybe on weekends they could have an optional excursion type thing, they could go to the aquarium, or see different careers in action, maybe even just go shopping and learn how you can budget and figure out how to buy food for meals that are healthy and cheap. 

Well, I dont know, Im just kind of saying random stuff. I just wish every week could be like the one I had.

I think probably many people who drop out of school, are only doing it because they feel like its too much or that it doesnt work well with how they are. I bet they would still love to learn though.

I know lots of people here struggled during school. Do you think certain changes would have made your experiance more bearable? 

  • You speak a lot of sense. The school environment does not work well for autistic children. In this day and age technology could be used to enable more learning from home if that is how the autistic young person would be more productive

    It is such a shame that someone so intelligent and keen to learn is actively being limited and held back by the pressures of daily school attendance. You have demonstrated that you can work much more effectively in an environment that suits your needs.

  • I wonder how schools havent caught on to how hard it can be for some people. I cant think of a single person on here who said they found school easy and fun. Then theres the study with 92% of chronic absences were all neurodivergent. 

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