Self service tills.

I love self service tills in shops.  They are much more hygienic than manned tills.  The only unhygienic part is pressing the button asking how I'm making the payment and if I want a receipt.

On manned tills the operator touches every item of food I buy and on a recent visit I saw an operator sneeze all over herself and her hands and food items.

Now some shops are going into reverse, Booths are ripping out their self service tills, and my local branch of Iceland has gone back to manned tills only.

All opinions are welcome.

  • As I understand it, the return to person-operated tills is because people hate them! It seems that most want that human interaction...

    I quite like them, myself, because I don't want that human interaction 

    But - I am aware that self-service tills have cost people their jobs. That seems like a more important factor, to me.

    My local supermarket was the first, I think, to return to old style tills. 

  • As I understand it, the return to person-operated tills is because people hate them! It seems that most want that human interaction...

    I quite like them, myself, because I don't want that human interaction 

    But - I am aware that self-service tills have cost people their jobs. That seems like a more important factor, to me.

    My local supermarket was the first, I think, to return to old style tills. 

  • Yes, there should be a choice - personally, I hate self service tills and prefer the human interaction - my last store had 13 self service tills and I was made redundant in 2019 after 17 years - I’ve been working in supermarkets for 30 years at age 53 and now, the hotel I now work for installed self service for guests checking in and out, but there are no end of problems with these machines - and yes, despite what is claimed otherwise, they are taking peoples jobs