"Autistic" things you do.

What "autistic" things do you find yourselves doing? I do a lot of different things which I know a neurotypical wouldn't think twice about.

One of them is making sure everything in my house is straight, so the chairs, my books and DVDs on the shelf, pictures hanging on the wall and plenty more than that.

Recently I was doing up an MG Maestro and had noticed the offside headlight wasn't seated properly and was facing a little to the side. This bothered me so much, playing at the back of my mind until finally I went out and straightened it because I couldn't cope with it not being right.

I feel like I was actually approaching a meltdown, that's how much this sort of thing bothers me.

Am I alone in being this way?

  • I do what I call ‘ape’ a lot, one arm will go over the top of my head, it’s like hugging my head. Pacing is something I seem to do when I need to process something, it can be in straight lines but often in a circle.

    When I cook a meal I layout all the ingredients in order of use, all jars of spices are in order of use and spaced correctly with labels facing forward, nothing touches, the knives and saucepans are all in position. I just call it prepping, my wife thinks I take it to a different level.

    I tried one of the delivery companies that delivers the ingredients for meals, the instructions drove me crazy, the instructions would give a task to do, the next word would always be… meanwhile, I don’t do meanwhile I’m fully focused on the institution I’ve been given.

    I work on classic cars for a living, it’s like I’m constantly scanning a car, I can tell if something is minutely incorrect. As the saying goes, “The devil is in the detail.”

    Me = 1066 - the Battle of Hastings

    That would have been my answer,  1912 - Titanic , 1953 - Coronation,  1812 - overture. 
    If I’m in a playful mood I like to wait until a shop assistant has given me the total price on the till, I hand over the cash and then say, “ actually I’ve got the odd,” the amount of time I’ve been told, “it’s okay, the till has shown me the correct change.” Don’t normal people do mental arithmetic?

  • Don’t normal people do mental arithmetic?

    I suspect that in this digital age the answer to that is 'no'.


  • Not only do they not do mental arithmetic, they probably wouldn't even know where to start!

  • Not only do they not do mental arithmetic, they probably wouldn't even know where to start

    Weird... Thinking

    Could be true though! 

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