"Autistic" things you do.

What "autistic" things do you find yourselves doing? I do a lot of different things which I know a neurotypical wouldn't think twice about.

One of them is making sure everything in my house is straight, so the chairs, my books and DVDs on the shelf, pictures hanging on the wall and plenty more than that.

Recently I was doing up an MG Maestro and had noticed the offside headlight wasn't seated properly and was facing a little to the side. This bothered me so much, playing at the back of my mind until finally I went out and straightened it because I couldn't cope with it not being right.

I feel like I was actually approaching a meltdown, that's how much this sort of thing bothers me.

Am I alone in being this way?

  • i write walls and walls of texts rambles and rants randomly all over the place lol
    i think ive been pretty tame and super short written on this site though so i guess its only certain places i just spew out random data.

    this then makes people who see it think id be super sociable and talky in person but then if they saw me in person im super quiet and short in words, simple basic single word responses, yes, no, fine, ok, what, maybe. although suppose the data spew is because my mind is likely overworking and loud and has many thoughts and never shuts up so then i can just dump million word essays anywhere any time randomly online about anything. likely compensating for not saying anything in person... although i likely wouldnt be able to say things in person if i tried to dump that way, as verbal communication is primitive and inefficient, to get my mind out truly would require telepathy but then i suppose everyone would want to block my mind as it will be too loud and all over the place for them and would telepathically overload them with data lol.... i suppose this is a good thing though as our brains are basically computers meant to store data, the more data running through it and active the more better your brain is working.... well maybe, presumably... my memory can be ***, like how im always having to go back to the locker room after i had my break to see if i left my mobile on the floor and if i actually put it in my bag and locked the locker as i cant remember doing those mundane simple acts.

  • I also say very little (or anything at all) in person, but online I talk too much lol. Ive had allistic online friends before who blocked me because I wrote to them too often and wrote paragraphs about stuff they didnt care about

  • oh yeah, when i write a long strange post on facebook i lose plenty of friends lol
    some friends just seem to want you to be a blank quiet person with no thoughts or ideas, then ofcourse some misunderstand my posts and see them as insulting which to be fair they can be but they require a detachment of self to understand as i often write in ways where i am detached so i can do alot of critical posts that seem insulting to everyone or even state every single view on a option that isnt mine and people would get upset thinking they are my views rather than a category of different opinions and views on a thing.

    alot of people cant seem to detach or think beyond themselves, like if i got into a historical discussion and stated the beliefs of one group of people and they were bad beliefs against todays standards, naturally people who cant see others beliefs and are stuck in 2d mindset and cant detach would then think im saying those mean things are my beliefs rather than me stating a example of others beliefs.

    then ofcourse i recently posted a long economic post, which might have implied everyone that got positions through social contacts and advanced that way are simply not as smart as a person that struggled on their own and had to find their own way alone. alot of people dont find their own way so alot of people can be offended at the realisation that a person like me they looked down on has caught or passed them and pointed out im smarter than them for doing it alone where as they needed social privileges.

  • oh yeah, when i write a long strange post on facebook i lose plenty of friends lol
    some friends just seem to want you to be a blank quiet person with no thoughts or ideas, then ofcourse some misunderstand my posts and see them as insulting which to be fair they can be but they require a detachment of self to understand as i often write in ways where i am detached so i can do alot of critical posts that seem insulting to everyone or even state every single view on a option that isnt mine and people would get upset thinking they are my views rather than a category of different opinions and views on a thing.

    alot of people cant seem to detach or think beyond themselves, like if i got into a historical discussion and stated the beliefs of one group of people and they were bad beliefs against todays standards, naturally people who cant see others beliefs and are stuck in 2d mindset and cant detach would then think im saying those mean things are my beliefs rather than me stating a example of others beliefs.

    then ofcourse i recently posted a long economic post, which might have implied everyone that got positions through social contacts and advanced that way are simply not as smart as a person that struggled on their own and had to find their own way alone. alot of people dont find their own way so alot of people can be offended at the realisation that a person like me they looked down on has caught or passed them and pointed out im smarter than them for doing it alone where as they needed social privileges.
