"Autistic" things you do.

What "autistic" things do you find yourselves doing? I do a lot of different things which I know a neurotypical wouldn't think twice about.

One of them is making sure everything in my house is straight, so the chairs, my books and DVDs on the shelf, pictures hanging on the wall and plenty more than that.

Recently I was doing up an MG Maestro and had noticed the offside headlight wasn't seated properly and was facing a little to the side. This bothered me so much, playing at the back of my mind until finally I went out and straightened it because I couldn't cope with it not being right.

I feel like I was actually approaching a meltdown, that's how much this sort of thing bothers me.

Am I alone in being this way?

  • I constantly straighten up my things. It really bothers me when someone comes over and into my room, they move everything and place it back. But I just have to follow them around and fix everything, then they ask why im doing that and they say they put it back but it just isnt right unless I do it. It doesnt bother me if other peoples stuff is messy though (except some times) but only my stuff im "ocd" about (I dont actually know if I have OCD thus the quotes).

    Anouther strange thing I do is if someone places like a book down on a table, I have to pick it up and replace it, otherwise it bothers me. Or if someone pokes me then I have to poke them back or else I can feel their touch on me. They ussually end up poking me again cause they think im playing a game, but eventually they stop when it keeps going on and im getting upset and I say i HAVE to be the last one. 
    If someone lightly touches me (like if they hand me a paper and their hand brushes against mine) then I have to wipe my hand off on my pants to get rid of the feeling, Same with certain textures. At the store I touch everything and then I have to keep wiping my hands but I touch it anyway for some reason.

    I straighten up my clothes alot, or reajust my posture, and move my glasses. I dont know why. And I blink a lot if I cant do this. 

    This probably is just a me thing but I dont really move my eyebrows and mouth to show my emotions. I move my ears (I can wiggle my ears so thats how its possible). If im happy then my ears go up. If im sad they are down. If im angry then they go back. And I will perk up an ear to the direction of a sound or conversation that is interesting to me.

    I stim of course. My main stims are moving my hands around or tapping, and also bouncing my leg (I do these ones in public almost the whole day). If im excited or super happy then my whole body bounces or I start jumping. Bitting is a big one, ill do it whenever but it gets really bad and for a long time if im upset (ussually ill bite on my hands or if I have like a waterbottle then ill bite that). I also like to jump on one foot while spinning.

    I dont feel like writing other stuff this is too long lol

  • I move my ears (I can wiggle my ears so thats how its possible). If im happy then my ears go up. If im sad they are down. If im angry then they go back. And I will perk up an ear to the direction of a sound or conversation that is interesting to me.

    That's very unusual. 

    I can close my ears inside.

  • Thats cool How do you do that?

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