Bizarre question

A short while ago I happened to hear a song that immediately made me think of someone that I would now prefer not to be reminded of, as it causes me to feel a whole host of unwanted negative emotions. It wasn't so much the song itself, but the group singing it.

I know it's a long shot, but would anyone happen to know if there is a realistic way to stop the association? Whilst attempting to inflict a brain injury on myself that results in selective amnesia is an option, it is one that I would personally prefer not to try. Wink

  • I read an article a LONG time ago about psychological "Engrams" which seems to be what you got going on there.

    There was a  routine for both identifying them and curing them but you need a willing assistant so I never gave it a go.

    If googling isn't your friend, get back to me and I'll see if i can find it myself for you.

  • I read an article a LONG time ago about psychological "Engrams" which seems to be what you got going on there.

    There was a  routine for both identifying them and curing them but you need a willing assistant so I never gave it a go.

    If googling isn't your friend, get back to me and I'll see if i can find it myself for you.
