
Another photography thread ^^ 

Hopefully this one (and me) is here to stay now :-) 

Lily after a walk sat in the fallen in the leaves

The wind blew her fur so she needed brushing later lol :) 

  • I've been photographing my classic Jaguar as I've been working on her and my girlfriend suggested I use a b&w filter, which I have to say does add a real charm to them.

    I can't deny, I do like these pictures! 

  • Finished a full restoration on this one recently, it’s called the gold model, the only part I didn’t do was  the pinstripes, that’s why they are straight!

  • Tidy! (in my best Welsh accent)

    Impressive work mate. (Thumbs up emoji)

  • .......and yet, as a practically minded autist (not as a mobster...honest) .... my mind can conceive of a variety of "mechanical means" (replete with leak proofing ideas) that could readily envisage more like 6no, individuals.

    There was a period of my life during which I was deeply (and  most sincerely) concerned about how my mind can be readily led, drawn and tasked to thinking of matters that are not, at all, Number-esque!  I generate mental solutions and optimalisations by default!

    Then, I came to realise that I'm just an autist and that i do this sort of "space planning" by default.....whether that be shoes, T25 spare bits, plant pots.....or the "disappeared!"

    Happy Tuesday, mate.

  • The mob would call that a two man boot ( trunk)

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  • .......and yet, as a practically minded autist (not as a mobster...honest) .... my mind can conceive of a variety of "mechanical means" (replete with leak proofing ideas) that could readily envisage more like 6no, individuals.

    There was a period of my life during which I was deeply (and  most sincerely) concerned about how my mind can be readily led, drawn and tasked to thinking of matters that are not, at all, Number-esque!  I generate mental solutions and optimalisations by default!

    Then, I came to realise that I'm just an autist and that i do this sort of "space planning" by default.....whether that be shoes, T25 spare bits, plant pots.....or the "disappeared!"

    Happy Tuesday, mate.