Thoughts on technology and human evolution.

Smartphones these days seem to be a requirement in order to be a human being.

My work are requiring me to download an app which I can't and won't do. I was asked a few years ago to become part of a work whatsapp group. I was indirectly made to feel I wasn't part of the team bease i couldnt and didnt want to be in it. Last night, instead of looking my name up on a computer for a ticket, a "box office assistant" made the person I was with re-download an app to get an e-ticket with an animated barcode. I know my stubbornness is making me technologically illiterate but I don't care.

We started becoming machines during the industrial revolution. Today we continue to advance toward this. It's part of our evolution as we get further away from who we were.

  • I'm not sure who we were was that great really. 

    I love my phone. If having an infinite source of music, information and anxiety survival tools in a small rectangle in my pocket is bad then I don't really want good. I certainly don't miss having to sit in front of a computer to post on forums like this one. 

  • There are some great things but I'm talking more about how technology seems to be increasingly becoming a prerequisite to just do normal stuff like get paid a wage. 

    who we were

    Depends what "were" means to you.

    I'm aware, for instance, there is technology which is "normal" to me that wouldn't have been such to people of previous generations, I can see it is all relative. I suppose I've had in mind what some other threads have been about today and my own recent frustrations. 

  • It should be the objective of technology to serve mankind, not the other way round.

    I am still able to print out E-Tickets. There is still the option. However, the Numpties use the phone for everything.

    Admittedly, I spend most of my free time browsing the internet on my phone. However, I pay everything in cash; whenever I'm outside shopping. I only pay by card online.

    It all went pear shaped after Steve Jobs died.

  • If you're doing things that are more inconvenient for you (printing tickets, getting money from a cash machine and carrying it around), aren't you opting out of being served by technology? 

    I could think of a hundred ways my life is made more convenient by newish technology in any week, but I'd struggle to come up with even a small handful of ways it goes the other way round. 

  • It should be the objective of technology to serve mankind, not the other way round

    Yes there are many ways the development in tech is helping humans. There is good! I'm thinking here along the terms of healthcare treatment for example, so not necessarily smartphone related. 

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