What's your experience of Gigs/Concerts?

Hi all,

Was wondering what everyone's thoughts/feelings/experiences of gigs are? 

On paper they're not the best places to be with so many things going on. For myself I tend to get uncomfortable when the crowds are packed too close and I get hyper-aware of how close I am to other people and feeling elbows etc brush against me. Feel like I constantly have to hold my breath. What I find weird for myself though is I love the feeling of the sound at gigs, not particularly the sound itself, but the vibrations of it in my chest and my body and limbs, I close my eyes to block out the lights and just feel it in my bones. For this reason I prefer rock gigs to anything else. 

Anyway, just wanted to ask what others peoples thoughts and experiences were? 

  • I used to work in the theatre, doing lighting for many, many shows and gigs - and I found the whole experience traumatic. I now have medically-recognized PTSD as a result. It was the worst possible environment to be in - never mind WORK in!

  • I used to work in the theatre, doing lighting for many, many shows and gigs - and I found the whole experience traumatic. I now have medically-recognized PTSD as a result. It was the worst possible environment to be in - never mind WORK in!

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