What music are you listening to?

I thought I'd make my own thread for this :–) 

I've got a lot of CDs and have been listening to them a lot more recently.

I'm currently listening to my Disney princess CD ^^

Parents Reply
  • Ooh lovely. 

    Thanks to you, I've just been listening to it and dancing (albeit badly) around my kitchen. Dancer

    Having that song blasting out was definitely what I needed. Try not to laugh too much, but when I was a lot younger, I thought what Mr Weller was singing was, "A town called Alice". Lol.

  • Well Sparkly,  you are fully exonerated for your “ A Town Called Alice” faux par. I listened to Don Henley today, I always thought until today that the track was called, “ Down At the Sausage Grill,” it turns out it’s “ Down At The Sunset Grill.” The radio DJ introduced the track and the’ penny dropped’. It honestly sounds more like sausage grill.

    I do hope when you was dancing to “The Mod Father”, you were wearing two-tone black and white loafers and not your new grey slipper boots!