I'm ok with pesticides

When I was a child, my mother used to pick wild blackberries and soak them in salted water. Some of the maggots came out of the berries and floated to the top. There isn't really much point in soaking them as some will still remain, trapped inside. I see people picking and eating the berries straight off the bushes with their children in parks etc, but ignorance is bliss. It won't harm them.

I went to the greengrocers yesterday and they didn't have what I wanted, but they had blackberries in little punents.  They looked nice so I bought some. I inspected each one for maggots before eating them and couldn't see any. I knew they might be in there though.

The fourth berry I inspected had a cream coloured maggot crawling straight over it. It was semitranslucent and I could see it's organs and everything. I threw that one. After inspecting the fifth one, I could see a maggot poking it's head out. I was disgusted, knowing I had eaten live maggots andI threw the whole punnet in the bin.

Most people would just eat the berries without looking for them. If I had a blackberry plant, I would spray it with a pesticide. Frozen blackberries and raspberries are nice in smoothies, but are still gross as there are frozen maggots inside the berries.

I hope they use pesticides in the fresh supermarket ones, but I'm not sure. I don't want to do the saltt water test to find out. I'll just eat them as they are.  Ignorance is bliss.

  • Frozen blackberries and raspberries are nice in smoothies, but are still gross as there are frozen maggots inside the berries.

    If you can't taste it and it isn't harmful to you - and it isn't visible then it is just some bonus protein.

    Then again I'm not the most squimish - I was eating insects in an Amazonian restaurant (they were on the menu) the ther day and they were really tasty.

    There may be something to the plans of using instects as a major protein source for the world population as it gets harder to raise animals in future.

  • would vegans eat bugs? or do they consider bugs to not be animals or living beings?

    because they are ok that their plants massacre trillions of bugs for their crops and dont count that as a kill count so perhaps that means vegans would be ok with eating the bugs then if they seemingly dont count them as living lifeforms?

  • It seems plants have feelings too:


    I guess vegans can only chose the least bad way to eat dead things in order to survive, but it does put a dent in the holier-than-thou facade that a vocal majority of them brandish.

    It does tarnish the reasonable and less preachy people who follow that path.

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  • i think the best way is to buy the food that is already dead.... so, you see that pack of bacon in the supermarket? ....clearly that is not alive, that is a part of a animal that is long dead, its already long dead.... so its ok to buy it and eat it because it is already dead, by buying and eating it your not harming another animal, because its already dead, it cant be harmed. vegans dont need to skip meat if they thought on that more. meanwhile their plants may still be alive when they are boiling them or eating them lol