Doctor Who!

Talk to me Doctor Who fans Grin 

Who is your favourite Doctor?

Who is your favourite companion?

What's your favourite story?

  • My favorite Doctor is definitely David Tennant, probably because he’s who I grew up watching. When I was younger, Rose was my favorite companion, but as I got older, I realized I connected more with Donna. It's not just because I’m a redhead; I learned to appreciate their friendship. I love Doctor Who, but I often feel like an imposter in the community because I struggle with change, so I only ever watch David Tennant's era. I love his era so much that I wrote my 5,000-word dissertation on it!

  • My favorite Doctor is definitely David Tennant, probably because he’s who I grew up watching. When I was younger, Rose was my favorite companion, but as I got older, I realized I connected more with Donna. It's not just because I’m a redhead; I learned to appreciate their friendship. I love Doctor Who, but I often feel like an imposter in the community because I struggle with change, so I only ever watch David Tennant's era. I love his era so much that I wrote my 5,000-word dissertation on it!

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