Doctor Who!

Talk to me Doctor Who fans Grin 

Who is your favourite Doctor?

Who is your favourite companion?

What's your favourite story?

  • I haven't been impressed by the post 1989 Doctor Whos. I prefer the older ones in particular, William Hartnell, Patrick Trougton, Jon Pertwee, Tom Baker and Sylvester (who's main companion was Ace).  One of my favourite stories is "The Mind Robber".  i also liked "Spearhead from space" which had what appeared to be shop window dummies that came to life (Autons).

    My favourte villain was "The Master", played by Roger Delgado.

    Patrick Trougton later starred in a children's film called "A Hitch in Time" about an eccentric scientist with a time machine.

  • The Shop Dummies, that freaked me out for years too.

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