Doctor Who!

Talk to me Doctor Who fans Grin 

Who is your favourite Doctor?

Who is your favourite companion?

What's your favourite story?

  • My first doctor was Jon Pertwee, so I will always have a soft spot for him. But like , my favourite is Tom Baker. I watched religiously as a youngster from later Jon and stopped at Colin Baker. I resumed with Christopher Eccleston and still watch.

    When the BBC put the classic episodes on iPlayer, I started with the later Jon and am slowly working my way through them. I'm still on Tom as I it is taking some time.

    I was pleasantly surprised by Leela. My memories, being a young boy, were of her costume. In rewatching, she was the most kick a r s e feminist (for 70s) companion ever, and wasn't a scream queen. Shame she wasn't around longer.

  • My first doctor was Jon Pertwee, so I will always have a soft spot for him. But like , my favourite is Tom Baker. I watched religiously as a youngster from later Jon and stopped at Colin Baker. I resumed with Christopher Eccleston and still watch.

    When the BBC put the classic episodes on iPlayer, I started with the later Jon and am slowly working my way through them. I'm still on Tom as I it is taking some time.

    I was pleasantly surprised by Leela. My memories, being a young boy, were of her costume. In rewatching, she was the most kick a r s e feminist (for 70s) companion ever, and wasn't a scream queen. Shame she wasn't around longer.
