Doctor Who!

Talk to me Doctor Who fans Grin 

Who is your favourite Doctor?

Who is your favourite companion?

What's your favourite story?

  • My favourite thing to watch is Doctor Who!

    I love how the show has been running so long and how it continues to make me feel happy sad excited anxious and surprised all at the same time.

    I love how an episode can be so moving and yet fun. I love the whacky eccentric personality of the Doctor – I love how I can relate to the Doctor in so many ways, his social awkwardness, his extremely odd dress sense!

    Have I got a favourite Doctor?

    It’s hard to choose, really hard, but I think for me Peter Davison takes the number one podium for me. Interestingly he never ranks very highly up the list of Top Doctors but for me his performance was perfect from his first episode to his last.

    I love the way he portrayed the Time Lord, his acting was always spot on and I felt myself deeply attached to the 5th Doctor on so many levels. I was actually born in 1997 so Peter Davison was well before my time but when I first saw his episodes I was hooked from then on. I started watching Doctor Who in 2008 when David Tennant was the then 10th Doctor.

    Fav companion is Tegan and Ace! Both I thought were amazing!!!

    My favourite episode is a yes you guessed it a 5th Doctor episode!

    It’s Warriors of the Deep. I thought this episode was so expertly done. The story itself is superb and I found it to be a very hard hitting episode in which the Doctor tries his very best to help both sides to see sense and make peace, and in the end, no one wins. It’s one of those episodes for me personally that leaves you thinking and feeling

    – wow. It shows that even the Doctor can’t solve everything and help everyone. He wants to, he tries his best, but sometimes you can’t win. He saves the Earth but in this instance, many losses occur and it left me feeling numb. I don’t express and feel emotion like most people do but Doctor Who is one of those shows which digs deep enough to get an emotional reaction, another reason why I love it so much.

    I also love that it’s helped me in my life so much. You can learn a lot from Doctor Who, it teaches a lot of good life lessons and some I have started to live my life by.

    It does so much for me and I feel so grateful that it’s part of my life and I can watch it when I want/need to.

    There’s an episode for every occasion and whatever I’m feeling and going through I know it will help me ^^

    Doctor Who is also my special interest. I could not live without it.

    Sorry my inner sci-fi geek just escaped lol ^^

  • My favourite thing to watch is Doctor Who!

    I love how the show has been running so long and how it continues to make me feel happy sad excited anxious and surprised all at the same time.

    I love how an episode can be so moving and yet fun. I love the whacky eccentric personality of the Doctor – I love how I can relate to the Doctor in so many ways, his social awkwardness, his extremely odd dress sense!

    Have I got a favourite Doctor?

    It’s hard to choose, really hard, but I think for me Peter Davison takes the number one podium for me. Interestingly he never ranks very highly up the list of Top Doctors but for me his performance was perfect from his first episode to his last.

    I love the way he portrayed the Time Lord, his acting was always spot on and I felt myself deeply attached to the 5th Doctor on so many levels. I was actually born in 1997 so Peter Davison was well before my time but when I first saw his episodes I was hooked from then on. I started watching Doctor Who in 2008 when David Tennant was the then 10th Doctor.

    Fav companion is Tegan and Ace! Both I thought were amazing!!!

    My favourite episode is a yes you guessed it a 5th Doctor episode!

    It’s Warriors of the Deep. I thought this episode was so expertly done. The story itself is superb and I found it to be a very hard hitting episode in which the Doctor tries his very best to help both sides to see sense and make peace, and in the end, no one wins. It’s one of those episodes for me personally that leaves you thinking and feeling

    – wow. It shows that even the Doctor can’t solve everything and help everyone. He wants to, he tries his best, but sometimes you can’t win. He saves the Earth but in this instance, many losses occur and it left me feeling numb. I don’t express and feel emotion like most people do but Doctor Who is one of those shows which digs deep enough to get an emotional reaction, another reason why I love it so much.

    I also love that it’s helped me in my life so much. You can learn a lot from Doctor Who, it teaches a lot of good life lessons and some I have started to live my life by.

    It does so much for me and I feel so grateful that it’s part of my life and I can watch it when I want/need to.

    There’s an episode for every occasion and whatever I’m feeling and going through I know it will help me ^^

    Doctor Who is also my special interest. I could not live without it.

    Sorry my inner sci-fi geek just escaped lol ^^

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