What's something cool you can do?

I can do a backflip and I can mimic most voices I hear. The mimicking is a special talent, according to my MH nurse. I used to have an almost photographic memory but recently I lost it, my memory is patchy now.

  • I can close my ears from the inside to deaden sound.

    I can close my nose from the inside to eradicate smells.

    I can have a nosebleed out of my eye (luckily only once!).

    I have premonitions.

    I am sometimes telepathic. 

    I can remember the lyrics of many songs.

  • I can close my ears from the inside to deaden sound.

    I can close my nose from the inside to eradicate smells.

    I can have a nosebleed out of my eye (luckily only once!).

    I have premonitions.

    I am sometimes telepathic. 

    I can remember the lyrics of many songs.
