Burnt-out and need a friend!


I was diagnosed late last year at the age of 27. I’m struggling with what feels like a constant burnout! I just feel like I need someone to talk to who understands what I’m going through :/ 

  • HI Allie,

    Recently diagnosed here and know what you mean about the burnout - I've struggled with it too for years, a constant cycle of happy at work, struggle at work, burnout, depression and recovery , start a different job and repeat the cycle- with the space between each burnout getting shorter and shorter.

     I know what you mean about it being lonely, here and happy to chat if that'd help :)

  • HI Allie,

    Recently diagnosed here and know what you mean about the burnout - I've struggled with it too for years, a constant cycle of happy at work, struggle at work, burnout, depression and recovery , start a different job and repeat the cycle- with the space between each burnout getting shorter and shorter.

     I know what you mean about it being lonely, here and happy to chat if that'd help :)
