How was school for you?

I found school a traumatising experience and I still don’t think I’m completely recovered yet. I don’t know what the worst part was – the noise, bullying, lack of understanding from horrible teachers, the difficulty in fitting in, trouble finding classes because the school was split up into buildings so you had maths in building A and then science in building D. I never did get used to that.

I did enjoy the learning though. I still like to learn now but prefer doing it from home watching videos on YT and reading books on how to do this and that. It’s how I learnt to play the guitar and how I learnt to make my own bird box for the birds in my garden. I think all children should get to learn from home because it would make schooling a lot more fun, if you don’t mind being on your own.

My favourite time was the holidays. I could stay home and shut myself in my room without fear of having to go to school and face all the dread and horrors. Back then I never wanted summer to end!

At school I did attempt to make friends but I got bullied and gave up in the end. I did make one friend though, another girl who was also bullied. We bonded over the fact we were targeted by the bullies. It was a friendship that lasted though. The only good thing to come out of me going to school.

In general I did not enjoy school. From start to finish it was absolute hell. My worst memory of it was my maths teacher, a woman who knew I had anxiety and hated having to talk and she always made me stand up and answer questions when she knew I couldn’t answer it correctly.

Luckily that is all over now. I would never go back and anyone who has to go to school has my sympathies.

  • Schools aren't autism friendly for sure! I can't think of many things worse for someone with autism to have to go through.

    My time at school sucked massively! I was bullied because I walk different and my voice isn't quite like everyone else's, everybody else thought that was hilarious even some teachers. I couldn't focus in school I heard everyone sound from the clock ticking to kids in the hall outside. And my year head at secondary who I had for 4 years hated me straight away so I was getting detention with him for no reason at all. I hated school worst years of my life.

  • Schools aren't autism friendly for sure! I can't think of many things worse for someone with autism to have to go through.

    My time at school sucked massively! I was bullied because I walk different and my voice isn't quite like everyone else's, everybody else thought that was hilarious even some teachers. I couldn't focus in school I heard everyone sound from the clock ticking to kids in the hall outside. And my year head at secondary who I had for 4 years hated me straight away so I was getting detention with him for no reason at all. I hated school worst years of my life.
