September tomorrow..

It's September tomorrow. Summer is over pretty much and autumn is coming. I personally love autumn..

I like the transition of the leaves changing colour and then falling and feel the night to day time period is smoother than it is during the winter. I like that at night it's not totally pitch black.

The only downside is that it means Christmas is nearing but luckily this year there's no big Christmas Do on for my family so I can just hide in my room until it's over Laughing

  • Yay Smiley

    I don't like August due to the school holidays (except when I was at school and I got a break from that horrendous place). Everywhere is too busy and too noisy and I usually hibernate quite a lot during August.

    I'm looking forward to getting out and foraging the bounty of nature, as I usually do during September.

    I managed to get out for a walk this week to my favourite brambling spot. Many are ripe already and it looks a bumper crop this year. I forgot to take a bag with me, so I could only pick as many as I could eat during my walk.

    The wild apple trees I know of had a bumper crop last year, so I'm not expecting them to be so good this time. I still have a lot left in the freezer from last year.

  • Foraging nature sounds like fun. I like to go out hunting for wildlife, for picture taking not actual hunting and before he died I enjoyed going berry hunting with my Grandad. He was a wise old man, he knew every sort of plant and berry out there, knew which were safe to eat. I still go berry hunting but only take pictures of them now. I don’t trust my memory enough to pick and eat them just in case I get it wrong. The results could potentially be fatal if I was wrong..

    Enjoy your foraging and I hope it is a quieter month for you. I like September, the pace of life slows down and the countryside is much more enjoyable without people visiting it for the holidays. I am hoping to be in work soon but will continue to enjoy going out in nature when I can on the weekends if the stress of work doesn’t cripple me first!

  • Foraging nature sounds like fun. I like to go out hunting for wildlife, for picture taking not actual hunting and before he died I enjoyed going berry hunting with my Grandad. He was a wise old man, he knew every sort of plant and berry out there, knew which were safe to eat. I still go berry hunting but only take pictures of them now. I don’t trust my memory enough to pick and eat them just in case I get it wrong. The results could potentially be fatal if I was wrong..

    Enjoy your foraging and I hope it is a quieter month for you. I like September, the pace of life slows down and the countryside is much more enjoyable without people visiting it for the holidays. I am hoping to be in work soon but will continue to enjoy going out in nature when I can on the weekends if the stress of work doesn’t cripple me first!

  • Your Grandad was indeed a wise man.

    With berries I stick to the easily recognisable ones such as blackberries. Anything else I leave for the birds. I once picked what I thought to be blueberries but they were actually sloe berries. Not a fatal mistake but they tasted terrible!

    I spent an enjoyable afternoon foraging yesterday and managed to collect over a kilo of blackberries Yum

    I hope your new job goes well.