Preferred method of listening to music... CD, vinyl or digital???

My mum still listens to vinyl. She grew up with it and her opinion is, there's no greater sound. I grew up on CD, naturally, but in recent years I've stopped and started doing all my music listening on my phone and laptop on Spotify. I like the ease of it, like how I can plug in my headphones and listen anywhere at anytime I like.

I did try vinyl but I really couldn't get on with it. The crackling and popping just made my brain go huuuuhh!? No idea why people find that sound appealing, for me it was an earache. I liked CD and I've still got all my CDs I got growing up but generally just use my phone for my music listening now.

  • I forgot radio. I listen to radio occasionally and sometimes if I'm lucky they play a song I haven't heard for ages but at one point I used to listen to it all the time. I listen to radio in my car mostly.

  • I tend to stream radio or YouTube from my iPhone to earphones or a soundbox. I did have CDs but got rid of them along with most of my DVDs. I still have some vinyl but it’s in storage.

  • I listen to CD and vinyl mostly...though lately I've been listening to a lot of music on my phone. I like it with my headphones on, I can hear so much like the other instruments and the bass. 

  • Services

    - Spotify

    - Soundcloud

    - Bandcamp

    - YouTube Music

    - Amazon Music


    - Sony Walkman A55L MP3 Player - YouTube:

    - FiiO M15 Player - YouTube:

  • Hearing music live is always the best way, I like listening to music on YouTube and I have a vinyl collection four boxes worth of it lol 

  • I'm supposed to be selling my O/H's Sony 400 disc cd player...

  • Live, surely! If we are lucky enough! Or in a club. The louder the better. Room to dance. Shared with others.

  • Spotify (other streaming services are available) for the simplicity of listening to whatever you want from a library of millions of songs.

  • MP3 on my phone with bose headphones.

  • I love collecting vinyl, I already have two vinyl cases worth of stuff, 

    I don't really care how I listen to music, just as long as I'm listening to music then I'm happy. 

  • That's very cool. What sort of music do you make? I used to play the violin, I wasn't the best at it but I wasn't too bad either.. I think Thinking

  • I love your record. It almost looks like marble, has that sort of effect, looks very nice. My little sis is big on Taylor Swift, next year I may be going to see her live with my little sis.. if I can overcome the anxiety! 

  • I own about 50-80 CDs. I've never counted them all but a lot is older music from the 80s as that's my fav period of music. I own a lot of Depeche Mode CDs.

    I love how you still have your first record that's very cool!

  • I remember reading that someone got a "haunted" copy of the new Taylor Swift album where they'd accidentally pressed the music from an experimental old electronic compilation onto it instead of Speak Now. They said that they'll never know how many of those wrong copies are out there because like 80% of all records are never played and most Taylor fans would have just bought them to collect or display. 

    So you're a rebel, swimming to the beat of your own cloth. Or something

  • Hmm.. Well, I have vinyl and do listen sometimes. Many have been around since I was a child and many were old even then... 

    I make my own music, singing, piano.. when I have the space and time to do it.. the dog's not keen, so... Slight smile

    Most of the time, I listen on my phone.  

  • Records for meBlush 

    I was born in 97 and grew up with CDs but my twin sister became addicted to records in the last couple of years before she died, and since then I've started getting records too. I love their sound, I also have a wonderful stim in watching them spin,I find that relaxing in a weird sort of a way.

    This is my Taylor Swift Midnights record. I started getting in to her music after my sister. I love the quality of the record, and it came with picture inner sleeves. I feel like I get a lot for my money with records.

  • I'm old fashioned and love a good record. I can remember buying my first ever single (I still own it!) from the record shop. I had saved up my pocket money and went out and bought the Everlys Cathy's Clown seven inch single. I remember first hearing it on my little turntable and the sound was like nothing I had ever heard before. The second single I bought was an Elvis Presley one but I can't remember which one now.

    For me CDs and digital music sound too perfect for me. I like the sound of a record, for me that is music and it has a charm all its own. I know it is considered old fashioned now but each to their own. I will always listen to my records no matter what. All together singles and LPs I own over 200 records, a lot of the Pet Shop Boys as they are amongst my favourites.

    How many CDs do you have? My sister is a big CD fan and owns hundreds of them. She stores them in her garage.

  • I listen to all my music on my phone, either on apple music or mp3s. It sounds close enough to perfect for me, and whether I'm walking or on the tube or doing the washing up or whatever, I have access to tens of thousands of songs in my pocket. 

    That's exactly what I find with music on my phone, it's always convenient for me whether I'm at home or out in the shops.

    I still got all my CDs, on my shelf, and I do still buy them I think almost like a collecting thing now as some have some cool cases and covers, like I've got loads of Elton John as I like his music and he does a load of limited edition cases but when it comes to listening I'm phone all the way!

  • I like the idea of the whole ritual of putting a record on, but that's not worth the massive expense of both the record player and each album. And obviously then your music is chained to that room. 

    I listen to all my music on my phone, either on apple music or mp3s. It sounds close enough to perfect for me, and whether I'm walking or on the tube or doing the washing up or whatever, I have access to tens of thousands of songs in my pocket. 

    All my 200 or something CDs are in boxes in the loft. I don't miss the olden days where I had to lug around a big binder thing of them everywhere if I wanted to listen to more than 1 album.