Show us your Pu55Y !!

I've been wanting to do this thread with that title for so long now.For the avoidance of any unfortunate misunderstandings which will just give the mods a lot of unneccesary work this thread is for CAT PICTURES.

Here's the bestest cat in the world, to start us off.

His name is BlackJack, his mortal remains lie at the bottom of our garden, but he lives on in my memory, and at the place where he last lived, there is a Blue Plaque commemorating his life set discreetly above the front door and under the fire escape. He taught us an awful lot about cats, and psychic phenomena, and genuine, un-alloyed love and trust.

  • Here is my plush kitten I like sleeping with her. 

  • What do you feed her?

  • I believe that plush toy animals only eat kapok Slight smile

    They are perfect pets, as they don't poop, don't jump onto counters, never need to go to the vet, and their food doesn't smell.

  • So if two cats sit on you/next to you, then you look like chewbaka from Star Wars :)

  • Ah, ok just misunderstanding! Plus one thing - English is not my first language. It’s not that I’m poor at English itself but sometimes its a bit harder for me to understand especially if there are proverbs which I don’t know and of course tend to understand them literally and some cultural context. Just saying generally.  Maybe for these reasons I shouldn’t be here, it’s a UK site and I’ve never even been there, but… here I am.

  • Mine was a "celebrating the diversity of thought" type post.

    It seems I am not very good at them... ;c(

    I have owned many things that I have stroked and felt strong affection for in my childhood and somewhere in a small draw there is a furry spider I got about sixty years ago, (his name is Sammy) and I enjoy projecting a personality onto many of the things I own, so I believe I can appreciate and empathise with your preference, AND I'm stoked that you bought a different kinda cat and vibe to the thread. 

    You'd get on with my Missy then, she very much likes her humans at a distance...

    Well, actually you'd probably not actually get on with her, she spews brown filth wherever she goes. Fortunately although it loks just like brown filth lying on the carpet it is in fact just surplus microscoiclaly thin but oh so plentiful hairs in a clump that thankfully yield quickly to the mighty Shark 500 vacuum cleaner and often also to the dyson handheld, or the special electrostatic rubber sponge deal that pulls her hairs of the cushions and anyting I am wearing if I don't want to look like a complete tramp or farmhand...


    More and more your option is looking attractive... ;c) 

  • Cats are beautiful and I like them. From distance. Knowing that I’m not gonna be a good fit to a cat, I just decided to not have relationship with one. Complaining wasn’t my intention here, if I understood you correctly. 

  • Generally stays put, and does not cost 25 quid a week to fuel, and then provide the job of disposing of the waste products.

    Does not make a point of standing in the way when you, due to poor interioception, would really rather be charging to the toilet

    Does not sneak up beside you whilst you are writing a post complaing about it, and yowl at you 'cuz it wants something.  

    You guys might have something here... 

    OTOH, it's taken Missy 3 years to get to the point where she is confdient enough to come and ask me to do things, and isn't forever showing fear or starting at things etc. She's clearly been used to having no real "prescence" or "power" it's fairly clear that in their previous lives Blackie was the dominant cat and "human wrangler" and she played a less involved and more ornamental role. It took ages for her to figure out what "play" is all about, with a thing on a string etc..

    Blackie, OTOH is gradually adapting to the idea that he doesn't have to be the human interface for her, he sees her asking for and receiving a stroking session, and does not feel the need to intervene like he did at first.We never quite knew if it was protection or jealously, but they both seemed at first to believe that only he interfaced with the humans. 

    I simply cannot believe that when their previous humans relationshipd failed NEITHER of them wanted (or could find a way) to keep these cats!! 

  • Ok :) after few minutes of purring I’m done. My sis has a cat, I’m happy that she is happy with the purring but for me it was irritating after few minutes. So I just stood up left and closed the door although the cat followed me to stay longer on my lap.

  • But purring is the most relaxing sound there is Cat

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  • Ok :) after few minutes of purring I’m done. My sis has a cat, I’m happy that she is happy with the purring but for me it was irritating after few minutes. So I just stood up left and closed the door although the cat followed me to stay longer on my lap.