Show us your Pu55Y !!

I've been wanting to do this thread with that title for so long now.For the avoidance of any unfortunate misunderstandings which will just give the mods a lot of unneccesary work this thread is for CAT PICTURES.

Here's the bestest cat in the world, to start us off.

His name is BlackJack, his mortal remains lie at the bottom of our garden, but he lives on in my memory, and at the place where he last lived, there is a Blue Plaque commemorating his life set discreetly above the front door and under the fire escape. He taught us an awful lot about cats, and psychic phenomena, and genuine, un-alloyed love and trust.

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  • Whoever you were, I WISH YOU HAD STAYED.

    I'm still in love with Blackjack nearly ten years after he left this plane. I keep him alive when no one is watching because my hands remember the height of his head and I can rub an ear that I can't quite see with my eyes these days and briefly I feel his presence being remembered, and he isn't quite so dead... FAr from being sad it's a happy experience rembering him, he was and occasionally brielfy IS a wonderful cat, who patiently  taught me a great deal about "exceedng your limits" and of course, unconditional love.