Carpet cleaning

As a result of having some work done in my house last month, which required items several items of furniture to be moved, I decided it was time my carpets had a long-overdue and much-needed deep clean with a carpet washer. This is something I used to do a few times a year, and hope to get back into the habit of.

I opted to start with my son's bedroom carpet, well aware that it would likely require repeated deep cleaning. The last time it was done must have been a good 10 years ago, and there's a heck of a lot of deeply embedded dirt that has built up since then.

When using a carpet washer, one ideally wants the dirty water collected to end up looking reasonably clear. However, I think it could be a while before I begin to feel the end goal is in sight, as despite several washes, the dirty water being collected resembles the colour of mud. Admittedly, a slighter lighter shade than when I started cleaning the carpet a couple of weeks ago. I'm hoping that once I've got my son's bedroom carpet as clean as I can get it, regular vacuuming (by him) and less intensive carpet washing (by me) will be enough to prevent it from getting into such a filthy state again.

I have a list of outstanding tasks that I want and need to do around my house and garden, so if cleaning the carpets can be crossed off the list, it will give me hope that maybe, just maybe, I can muster enough physical energy to tackle the rest. When I moved into my house 22 years ago, I took pride in it. However, repeated bouts of depression and physical health issues resulted in it getting neglected and looking rather unloved. I am now on a mission to see if I can rectify that.

  • I can relate—after some renovations in my home, I tackled my carpets too, and it felt like a major project. I started with the living room, which hadn't seen a good cleaning in years. I used a carpet washer and, like you, saw a lot of muddy water come out. It was pretty shocking! But every time I cleaned, the water got a little clearer, which was encouraging.

  • I can relate—after some renovations in my home, I tackled my carpets too, and it felt like a major project. I started with the living room, which hadn't seen a good cleaning in years. I used a carpet washer and, like you, saw a lot of muddy water come out. It was pretty shocking! But every time I cleaned, the water got a little clearer, which was encouraging.

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